Appui à la formation professionnelle duale au Rwanda

To achieve the development aspirations of Rwanda, one of the critical elements is to build strong bridges between the world of work and training institutions. This project aims to improve the quality of education by emphasizing on strengthening national mechanisms for decision-making, system integration and active engagement of the private sector in the skills development process. It will therefore focus more on institutionalization and sustainability by integrating all the stakeholders in a high-performance and locally adapted TVET system.

Pays/région Thème Période Budget
Formation professionelle
Emploi & développement économique
Formation professionnelle
Création d'emplois
01.08.2023 - 31.12.2027
CHF  5’000’000
Contexte Rwanda has embarked on a structural transformative goal of becoming an upper middle-income country by 2035. Although the economy has grown steadily, with a depression in 2020 due to COVID-19, unemployment remains high. Statistics show that 16.5% of Rwanda's working population is unemployed and that 54% of the working population is officially unemployed but lives from subsistence farming (2023). To reach this ambitious goal, Rwanda aims to establish a dual apprenticeship system inspired by the systems that have proved successful in Switzerland, Germany and Austria. Based on the experience and lessons learned from a pilot project financed by the SDC, the Rwanda TVET Board (RTB), with the continued support of SDC, made a strategic decision to move from a pilot project to the national implementation of this technical and vocational training, adapted to the Rwandan context.
Objectifs The aim of the project is to ensure that dual TVET in Rwanda is scaled up, sustained and institutionalized, leading to more young men and women (at least 40% female) to benefit from employment opportunities through the acquisition of skills that meet the requirements of the labour market.
Groupes cibles
  • The target group of this project includes young women and men in Rwanda, particularly those aspiring for or already enrolled in formal TVET pursuing a qualification at levels 3 to 5
  • 16 Technical Secondary Schools in Rwanda to deliver Dual TVET programmes
  • Private companies from various economic sectors engaged in Dual TVET
  • In-company instructors providing the practical training to the Dual TVET students
  • The Private Sector Federation (PSF) and professional associations and Sector Skills Councils
Effets à moyen terme

Outcome 1: Young men and women have access to relevant skills by pursuing Dual TVET programmes at upper secondary school level.

Outcome 2: Private Sector Engagement in skills development is strengthened through establishing effective cooperation mechanisms between TVET policy makers, national authorities and the business sector.

Outcome 3: Dual TVET is adapted to the national context and integrated into the formal education and training system.


Principaux résultats attendus:   More than 1'500 students will be enrolled in 16 TVET schools and companies which will deliver the Dual TVET programs in the full qualification cycle (Level 3 to 5).
Collaboration between skills development stakeholders, with specific focus on the private sector, will be boosted through promotional and dissemination campaigns, awareness raising events, targeted capacity-building.
The institutionalization of Dual TVET by adjusting the existing legal framework, strategic documents and assessment standards to ensure the mainstreaming of Dual TVET at national level is realised.

Principaux résultats antérieurs:  


837 students (38% females) were trained in the dual TVET in 8 schools.

All have been trained in entrepreneurship and financial literacy.

315 school and company trainers have been trained in technical and pedagogical skills to support trainees effectively.

69 In-company instructors were certified

More than 100 companies in Western, Northern, Southern Provinces, and Kigali City were part of the dual training programme delivery.

Direction/office fédéral responsable DDC
Crédit Coopération au développement
Partenaire de projet Partenaire contractuel
Secteur privé
Institution étatique étrangère
Organisation suisse à but non lucratif
  • Central State of South East
  • HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation
  • Secteur privé étranger Nord
  • Sectreur privé étranger Sud/Est
  • Secteur privé suisse
  • Ministry of Finance (MINECOFIN), Ministry of Education (MINEDUC) and the Rwanda TVET Board (RTB)

Coordination avec d'autres projets et acteurs Access to Finance, Private Sector Engagement (Swiss projects in preparation)
For the workplace Learning: GIZ, ENABEL, KfW, AfDB
Switzerland is co-chair of the TVET Sub-sector
Working Group and so co-setting the agenda of the national policy dialogue
The Private Sector Federation and the Sector Skills Councils
Budget Phase en cours Budget de la Suisse CHF    5’000’000 Budget suisse déjà attribué CHF    1’574’763 Projet total depuis la première phase Budget de la Suisse CHF   250’000
Phases du projet Phase 1 01.08.2023 - 31.12.2027   (Phase en cours)