Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund (AHF)

Afghanistan entered the year as the world’s largest and most severe humanitarian crisis. The Humanitarian Response Plan is funded only 5.5%, as per end of April 2023. Despite severe challenges, the Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund allows implementing partners to respond quickly to most critical humanitarian needs through the delivery of live-saving assistance, addressing protection concerns and enhancing resilience. Localisation of aid is an important aspect of the Fund and a Swiss priority.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Humanitarian Assistance & DRR
Protection, access & security
Forced displacement (refugees, IDP, human trafficking)
Emergency food assistance
01.05.2023 - 31.12.2026
CHF  12’335’000

The Taliban takeover of Kabul on 15 August 2021 had an unprecedented impact on Afghanistan on the political, economic, humanitarian and human rights level. International aid remains the lifeline for the Afghan people. 

The Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) serves as humanitarian framework to assist 28 m people in need (twice as many as in 2020; two-thirds of the population). Under the Taliban, the operational space for aid agencies is severely curtailed. The decrees restricting women from working with NGO’s and the UN, confronts the aid community with the dilemma of either not being able to deliver in a principled way (not reach female beneficiaries and hence breach humanitarian principles), or not to deliver aid at all (and breach the humanitarian imperative). 

The Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund (AHF) is a Country-Based Pooled Fund (CBPF) and effective and efficient instrument to respond to humanitarian priorities and channel donor funds under the lead of the Humanitarian Coordinator. Switzerland is an observer to its advisory board. 

Objectives Humanitarian needs are prioritized and addressed through rapid and flexible allocation of funds to all regions of Afghanistan.
Target groups 28.3 million people are in need, of which the HRP, with support of the AHF, aims to reach 23.7 million . 
Medium-term outcomes

The allocated funds are in line with the HRP-strategic objectives 2023:

1. Mortality and morbidity of crisis-affected people of all gender and diversities are reduced through timely, multi-sectoral, lifesaving, equitable and safe assistance. 

2. The protection risks of the most vulnerable are mitigated and the needs of affected persons of all genders and diversities are monitored and addressed through humanitarian action.

3. Vulnerable crisis-affected people of all gender and diversities are supported to build their resilience and live their lives in dignity.


Expected results:  

 (as per the HRP 2023 and consecutive HRP’s) 

  • Provide timely-equitable and safe, life-saving emergency shelter, water and sanitation, education, mine action, and NFI support
  • Preventing famine by improving access to food and life-saving nutrition services
  • Life-saving health, nutrition and WASH response
  • People with protection needs have access to safe, inclusive and relevant assistance and services
  • Provide emergency livelihood through early action, emergency agriculture, livestock and other support

Results from previous phases:  

  • Based on results of 2021 , the AHF was able to grant USD 166 m to 75 humanitarian organisations, implementing 238 projects and assisting 25 m people across all 34 provinces.
  • Promoting localisation of aid, the AHF was able to increase its direct funding to local organizations to 18% in 2021 and to 22% in 2022.
  • On 17 August 2021, and despite the chaotic situation of the Taliban takeover, a reserve allocation opened in response to humanitarian needs resulting from drought, armed conflict, Covid-19 or winterization preparations. As a first time for a CBPF, this allocation marked the start of a ‘permanently open’ allocation window until March 2023, allowing AHF partners to submit projects at any given time.

Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
Project partners Contract partner
United Nations Organization (UNO)
  • United Nations Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs

Coordination with other projects and actors The AHF contribution comes along other core contributions to multilateral organisations, namely WFP, UNHCR and ICRC.
Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    12’335’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    10’835’000
Project phases Phase 3 01.05.2023 - 31.12.2026   (Current phase) Phase 1 08.12.2016 - 31.12.2018   (Active)