PROGOTI: Progressive Cultural Diversity for Social Change

PROGOTI aims to unlock the untapped potential of Bangladesh’s cultural sector for positive change and sustainable development. Guided by the principles of inclusivity and collaboration, it will empower artists and cultural actors, and foster freedom of expression through a robust network of champions advocating gender equality and social inclusion. Upholding Switzerland’s commitment to diversity and cultural exchange, it will encourage critical thinking and dialogue for a vibrant culture in Khulna and Jessore districts. 

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Culture / development awareness
Conflict & fragility
Culture & recreation
Conflict prevention
Sector not specified
01.09.2022 - 31.05.2027
CHF  1’225’000
Background The art and culture sector in Bangladesh is underresourced, with minimal government funding and private sponsorship, which hinders the empowerment of local artists. Growing intolerance and restrictive environment limit the potential of arts and culture to foster diverse and inclusive societies with meaningful dialogues. In addition, there is a lack of reliable data on the engagement of women and girls in arts and culture sector, making it challenging to address gender disparities effectively. The upcoming PROGOTI programme aims to address these issues by promoting gender equality and social inclusion through a culture and development lens, recognising the transformative power of arts and culture in driving progressive social changes. 
Objectives Cultural practitioners and artists are enabled to access cultural spaces and resources at the local level for creative expressions which contributes to a vibrant and inclusive society that embraces gender equality and social inclusion.
Target groups

Direct Beneficiaries

An estimated 1,150 independent cultural practitioners and artists will directly benefit from PROGOTI’s interventions in Khulna and Jessore. Among them, an estimated 150 will be successful grant recipients.

Indirect Beneficiaries

An estimated 525,000 audience and participants will be reached through online and offline cultural performances and events.

Medium-term outcomes

Outcome 1: Individual cultural practitioners or artists enhance their artistic/creative skills and gain access to financial resources that fosters inter-community dialogues around gender equality and social inclusion.

Outcome 2: Motivated cultural practitioners or artists form a network and collaborate to create a stimulating space that represents diversified voices and opinions around gender equality and social inclusion at the local level.  


Expected results:  

Output 1.1: Cultural practitioners and artists gain knowledge of the availability and accessibility of new resources for increased scope of cultural activities. 

Output 1.2: Cultural practitioners and artists gain capacities aimed at strengthening cultural activities on gender equality and social inclusion.

Output1.3: Successful recipients of Culture Grants Scheme implement their proposed project.

Output 2.1: Cultural practitioners and artists form a collaborative network for sharing knowledge, experiences, and resources and for strengthening their collective capacity and impact within the cultural landscape of their local community.

Output 2.2: Cultural practitioners and artists actively contribute to advancing gender equality and social inclusion by leveraging both online and offline platforms, fostering dynamic participation in relevant initiatives.

Output 2.3: Cultural practitioners and artists systematically document and share key lessons and success stories among relevant stakeholders that informs evidence-based policy recommendations to advance GESI in the broader cultural ecosystem.

Results from previous phases:   A situation analysis in Khulna division indicated that limited support in arts and culture is hindering the growth in cultural activities and participation. There are many independent cultural actors and artists practicing various forms of art and craft in an ad hoc manner, who do not have access to funding, training opportunities, or peer networks. There is also weak infrastructure of cultural institutions present in the region, platforms that could be otherwise used by cultural actors and artists to engage in dialogues. The location and the presence of unique vibrant arts and culture scene in Khulna and Jessore districts serve as ideal locations for implementing an initiative that supports capacity development, grant giving, network development, and community engagement through art and culture; centred around a gender equality and social inclusion theme. 

Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
Credit area Development cooperation
Project partners Contract partner
International or foreign NGO
Private sector
  • Other international or foreign NGO North
  • Foreign private sector South/East
  • British Council, an international NGO/non-profit organisation with grant management expertise and dedicated work on culture and development

Coordination with other projects and actors

Other development partners: Potential synergies with partners such as Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), European Union (EU) and United States Agency for International Development (USAID) could be further explored.

GCERF: Preventing Extremism through Active Community Engagement (PEACE) 

Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    1’225’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    9’076 Total project since first phase Swiss budget CHF   9’076
Project phases Phase 1 01.09.2022 - 31.05.2027   (Current phase)