Hungary: Two project agreements aiming at supporting environmental monitoring systems signed

Local news, 20.01.2011

In the presence of Dr. Tamás Fellegi, Hungarian Minister of National Development and Johann Schneider-Ammann, Swiss Federal Councillor, two project agreements in the field of infrastructure have been signed. By making a contribution of 10.8 million Swiss francs Switzerland is looking to improve waste and emission controls in the Central Danube region as well as to improve the measurement of heavy metal and dust concentration levels in Hungary.

Signature of project agreements by Christian Mühlethaler, Swiss Ambassador to Hungary and Lóránt Lehrner, Vice-President for Integration, National Development Agency.
Signature of project agreements by Christian Mühlethaler, Swiss Ambassador to Hungary and Lóránt Lehrner, Vice-President for Integration, National Development Agency © SECO

Federal Councillor Schneider-Ammann and Minister Fellegi
Federal Councillor Schneider-Ammann and Minister Fellegi © SECO