On May 9, representatives of the Embassy of Switzerland together with the head of the private sector development division of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) in Berne, Liliana de Sa, participated to the second policy dialogue and coordination platform meeting of the Swiss-financed Ghana Private Sector Competitiveness Program (GPSCP) together with Ghana’s Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry, Hon. Robert Ahomka-Lindsey, Deputy Minister of Education, Hon. Gifty Twum Ampofo and the Deputy Director of the Directorate of Crop Services from the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Harry Blepony.
In his remarks, the Chargé d’affaires a.i. of the Embassy of Switzerland, Matthias Feldmann stated that “the progress [under the program] is to a large extent fueled by the policy ownership and commitment of the government.” He also acknowledged the important role of the platform as an instrument for dialogue and coordination between implementing agencies, development partners and the government.
The agenda was oriented around reviewing the performance under the different pillars of the program (regulatory reforms, development of the oil palm and cashew value chains, skills development) and to discuss the challenges and opportunities ahead. Discussions were frank, open and constructive, highlighting the strong partnership between Switzerland and Ghana to transform Ghana’s economy.
The platform meeting brought together representatives of all three implementation partners (Solidaridad, International Finance Cooperation, IFC, and the German Agency for International Development, GIZ), stakeholders from the cashew and palm oil industries and representatives of the various government institutions.
The GPSCP is one of Switzerland’s flagship programs in Ghana to support private sector development with a total budget of 15.4 million Swiss Francs. The program contributes to improve competitiveness and create more and better job opportunities.