Vernissage of the Retrospective Exhibition «Shut your Eyes and See» by the Greek-Swiss Artist Nakis Panayotidis


Adress given by Ambassador Stefan Estermann on the occasion of the vernissage of the Retrospective Exhibition «Shut your Eyes and See», by the Greek-Swiss Artist Nakis Panayotidis at  Basil & Elise Goulandris Foundation, Athens.

Ambassador Stefan Estermann with the artist Mr. Nakis Panayotidis, and the curators Ms. Fleurette Karadontis, President of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation, and Mr. Matthias Frehner, former Director of the Kunstmuseum Bern.
Ambassador Stefan Estermann with the artist Mr. Nakis Panayotidis, and the curators Ms. Fleurette Karadontis, President of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation, and Mr. Matthias Frehner, former Director of the Kunstmuseum Bern. © FDFA

Vernissage_RetrospectiveExhibition_NakisPanayotidis_EN (PDF, 2 Pages, 74.8 kB)