Capacity Building for Low Carbon and Climate Resilient City Development in India (CapaCITIES)

India’s 8000+ cities contribute to more than 70% of its GHG emissions and are highly vulnerable to climate change impacts. The CapaCITIES exit phase will consolidate results of the Ph. 1 and 2 of the Indo-Swiss collaboration on low carbon and climate resilient urban development, support institutionalisation for autonomous implementation of Net-Zero Climate Resilient City Action Plans by cities, and disseminate and upscale results at the national level.

Paese/Regione Tema Periodo Budget
Canbiamento climatico ed ambiente
Conservazione energetica & efficienza
Politica dell'energia
Conservazione delle risorse idriche
01.08.2024 - 31.07.2026
CHF  1’500’000
Contesto India is rapidly urbanizing. With a projected increase in demand for energy and infrastructure, cities will continue to be major contributors to India’s GHG emissions. In the previous phases, capacities of 8 cities were built to develop and implement Climate Resilient city Action Plans (CRCAPs). By the end of phase 2, CRCAPs were revised to Net-Zero CRCAPs, in alignment with India’s ‘Net-Zero by 2070’ target. To support implementation, and assure continuation beyond project exit, institutional mechanisms created in earlier phases require strengthening. There is also significant potential for up-scaling the project interventions to cities across India by disseminating the learnings at national and state level. In the exit phase, the project will consolidate existing mechanisms, institutionalise Net Zero CRCAP implementation and transfer the knowledge and capacities to cities and states in order to enable autonomous implementation of Net-Zero CRCAPs. The project will work in the two states of Gujarat and Tamil Nadu and six cities of Ahmedabad, Rajkot and Vadodara (Gujarat) and Coimbatore, Tirunelveli and Trichy (Tamil Nadu).

Overall Goal of the CapaCITIES Project:

City and state governments durably transition towards net zero climate resilient urban development.

Overall Goal of the Exit Phase:

Consolidate and scale-up the successes from previous phases as well as institutionalise capacities for implementing Net-Zero Climate Resilient City Action Plans (CRCAPs)

Gruppi target City municipal corporations, State Urban Development Authorities, National Institute of Urban Affairs and Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs. Private sector, Civil society organizations, Multilateral/Regional Development Banks.
Effetti a medio termine

O1: Comprehensive net-zero climate planning and action institutionalised in selected Indian cities and states.

O2: Cities and states capacitated to prepare climate investment plans and projects for mobilising and accessing climate finance.

O3: Knowledge enhanced at the state and national level for upscaling city climate action.


Risultati principali attesi:  

  1. Net Zero CRCAP implementation institutionalised in 6 cities; Net-Zero CRCAPs replicated in new cities by partner states
  2. Climate Investment Planning for financing Net-Zero CRCAP implementation institutionalised in at least 6 cities
  3. Capacity building events, training workshops and peer exchanges conducted; Learnings, tools and methodologies disseminated at national level

Risultati fasi precedenti:  

  1. All 8 partner cities, including Ahmedabad (7 mio inhab.) pioneered net-zero climate action plans in India/South Asia, aligned to India’s ‘Net-Zero’ target
  2. GHG mitigation of 105’174 Mt CO2 eq from 20 projects and 4.5 Mio beneficiaries of adaptation measures from 12 projects during phase 2
  3. 8 partner cities budgeted CHF 1250.98 Mio for Net-Zero CRCAP implementation and developed an investment pipeline of CHF 19.49 million for projects
  4. Various pilot projects upscaled e.g. 1.5 TPD pilot biogas plant scaled up to a 200 TPD plant through private sector

Direzione/Ufficio responsabile DSC
Partner del progetto Partner contrattuale
Economia privata
  • Settore privato svizzero
  • South Pole, ICLEI South Asia, Econcept AG (organised in a consortium, whereas South Pole is the point of contact for contractual arrangements)

Coordinamento con altri progetti e attori World Bank, Asian Development Bank, KfW (German Investment Bank); SDC projects in India: Passive Cooling for a Low Carbon Built Environment (BeCool) and Clean Air Project; Swiss network: Swiss General Enterprise and Swiss Business Hub. C40 and Global Covenant of Mayors (GCoM) Network; Swiss initiative “Sustainability with a Plus”; SDC’s Asia Section.
Budget Fase in corso Budget Svizzera CHF    1’500’000 Budget svizzero attualmente già speso CHF    300’000 Progetto totale dalla prima fase Budget Svizzera CHF   9’076’671 Budget inclusi partner del progetto CHF   11’687’000
Fasi del progetto Fase 3 01.08.2024 - 31.07.2026   (Fase in corso) Fase 2 16.07.2019 - 31.12.2024   (Completed) Fase 1 01.10.2014 - 31.12.2019   (Completed)