I have learnt a lot during this period and this rewarding process of learning something new continues every day. I wished to meet most of you in person, which has not been possible because as fate would have it, we are still going through a time that is uncertain and restrictive.
But the insights into the rich heritage and the progressive evolution of the culture here combined with my Mongolian language lessons have made me feel very welcome.
Last October, the visits to some of our projects in the rural areas helped me experience an authentic flavor of the vibrant people of this country.
Recently, COVID-19 has caused delays in reaching out to you with updates about various areas of our work. However, I am proud to present this year’s first edition of “Onsite Insights” newsletter to you.
Here, you will find a reflection of the Swiss Development Cooperation`s (SDC) endeavors to achieve something that is crucial for Switzerland - tangible results with a contribution to equitable, all-inclusive social, economic and sustainable development in Mongolia.
Your interest and support in our efforts in Mongolia has always been a source of inspiration for us to continue to hold the hand of those associated with agriculture and food security, basic education and vocational training and good governance.
In this issue, you will be able to read a compilation of compelling news from our projects across the country and engaging stories from the lives of the communities that we serve with pride.
I take this opportunity to let you know that it is and will always remain a privilege to be able to speak, exchange ideas and engage in a meaningful discourse with the youth, women and men of this amazing country. Please do share with us your feedback about this issue because it is the willingness and commitment of people, institutions and government that is instrumental in broadening horizons and bringing change and hope to lives.
I sincerely wish that you would enjoy reading about the achievements of the dynamic SDC team in Mongolia with the solid support of the government and our partners.
Thank you.
Stefanie Burri (Ph.D)