Przyjaźń na okrągło art installation
Thursday, 09.09.2021 Sunday, 14.11.2021

Location: Warsaw
On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Embassy of Switzerland in Poland, Swiss-Polish artist Philipp Krebs and Paul Reichardt have created a large-scale (10 by 15 meters) installation entitled "Przyjaźń na okrągło" (Polish for 'Friendship all around'). The installation consisted of 96 mechanically rotating red and white balloons, alternately displaying the Swiss and Polish flags. Visitors and passers-by could even operate the interactive installation through WiFi! The installation, placed in the Embassy garden, was inaugurated on 9 September in the presence of the two parliamentary friendship groups, and lasted until mid-November. The project could be realized thanks to the support of eight Swiss companies. Find more information about the installation in our brochure (PDF, 6 Pages, 8.8 MB).