Call for Research Projects with Russia by the University of Geneva

Local news, 16.06.2020

On April 16, 2020, the University of Geneva in its role of Leading Swiss House for Scientific and Technological Cooperation with Russia announced a contest for Research Preparation Grants (RPG). The RPG call is launched within the framework of the bilateral cooperation program of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation aimed at fostering scientific cooperation and academic mobility between Switzerland and Russia, one of the priority countries in the area of research.

© University of Geneva

The call is intended to provide seed money to allow Swiss and Russian colleagues from all scientific disciplines to make the first contacts and start interactions aimed at long-term cooperative endeavors.

The Science and Technology Unit of the Embassy of Switzerland actively promoted the call among Russian universities and research institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences across the country, thus connecting Swiss and Russian research teams.

Upon the call’s completion, on June 16, the International Relations and Partnerships Office of the University of Geneva, reported a very high interest in the RPGs on both parts and noted a high quality of applications. The results of the call will be published in September.

We wish a very good luck to all participants!