Promoting Market Oriented Skills Training in the Great Lakes region (PROMOST) : phase 2

Project completed

PROMOST is a program promoting Market Oriented Skills Training in the Great Lakes region by improving the access to quality and market-relevant vocational training. In a first phase, the program improved access and quality of formal and informal vocational training in Rwanda. The second phase will consolidate results in Rwanda, develop alternative vocational training options in Burundi and South Kivu, and further regional networking on TVET.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
The Great Lakes Region
Employment & economic development
Vocational training
Employment creation
Vocational training
SME development
01.02.2016 - 31.07.2021
CHF  16’300’000

Rwanda, Burundi and South Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo are historically, geopolitically and commercially interdependent; they also have regular formal and informal exchanges of workforce. They face similar challenges regarding unemployment due to lack of access to market oriented skills training, weak private sector, little industrial development, non-adapted Technical and Vocational Education systems, as well as lack of clear qualification frameworks. To overcome these challenges, the three countries have prioritized the promotion of vocational training in their development strategies. PROMOST started in Rwanda, where it reached the expected outcomes; a second phase will consolidate these results and expand the program to Burundi and South Kivu with greater private sector participation. Due to the actual crisis in Burundi, the program is planned to start in 2017, with only preparatory work in 2016.


The rural population of the Great Lakes region has developed skills and competences that are relevant to the market needs and that contribute to increased employment opportunities and more income generation.

Target groups
  • Rural population especially disadvantaged groups, women and youth of the Western Province of Rwanda, in South Kivu and in Burundi, starting by Ngozi Province.
  • The private sector including Farmers.
  • VTC managers, trainers and administrative staff.
  • Regional TVET stakeholders and institutions such East Africa Community (EAC), International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR), SDC regional offices working on the thematic, E+I and education networks.
Medium-term outcomes
  • Equitable Access to diversified Quality and relevant vocational training is increased.
  • A competency development and skills validation system is created and functional.
  • A private sector partnership that enhances access to internship and to employment is established.
  • A mechanism that enhances access to entrepreneurial knowledge is created and institutionalized.
  • A regional thematic platform that stimulates networking and synergies among stakeholders is established.

Expected results:  

  • At least 5750 persons are trained by end of 2018 of which 40% are women and girls, and 2400 have received an entrepreneurial training.
  • At least 16 private training structures are equipped and supported (Burundi 6 and S-Kivu 10) by the end of 2018. Two more public VTC centers are built equipped, and fully operational in Rwanda.
  • 50% of the agricultural and artisan masters have expanded their technical and entrepreneurial competencies in Burundi and Kivu by end of 2018.
  • Certification standards for selected priority trades are harmonized and validated by the authorities.
  • At least 30 established or new professional associations in both countries are supported, trained and  facilitated for registration by the end of 2018.
  • A regional TVET thematic platform is established and synergies among stakeholders including SDC regional offices are developed.

Results from previous phases:  

  • 5 Vocational Training Centre`s (VTC) were built and fully equipped in 5 districts in  Rwanda.
  • 557 students were trained during 1 year in the 5 VTCs, among them 122 women/girls
  • 1806 students enrolled and passed a 3 to 6 months  vocational training.
  • 20 non–formal Micro Training Providers (MTPs) were supported and are equipped to deliver trainings. Curricula for seven priority trades were developed and validated by the Ministry of Education in Rwanda.
  • 830 graduated students already secured a job
  • A feasibility study was conducted for program extension to Burundi and South-Kivu.

Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
Credit area Development cooperation
Project partners Contract partner
Private sector
Swiss Non-profit Organisation
  • Foreign private sector South/East
  • Swisscontact

Other partners

Ministries in charge of TVET, the Private sector, Local authorities.

Coordination with other projects and actors

SDC will take part in thematic working groups and encourage synergies internally and with other multilateral, bilateral and regional efforts.

Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    16’300’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    16’280’611
Project phases Phase 4 01.02.2023 - 31.12.2025   (Current phase) Phase 3 01.07.2019 - 31.12.2024   (Completed)

Phase 2 01.02.2016 - 31.07.2021   (Completed)

Phase 1 01.05.2012 - 31.01.2016   (Completed)