UNICEF: Support Vulnerable Children in Libya through Child-Sensitive Social Protection, Education and Protection Services

The initiative aims to improve the protection and respect of the rights of vulnerable and at risk children and youth and their resilience through fostered 1) access to integrated protection services, comprising education in Eastern Libya, and 2) efforts to strengthen the social protection system for children at national and subnational levels through policy support, capacity strengthening and leveraging public resources and evidence. 

Land/Region Thema Periode Budget
Humanitäre Hilfe & DRR
Schutz, Zugang & Sicherheit
01.07.2023 - 30.06.2025
CHF  1’615’000

Libya continues to face a multi-layered crisis marked by protracted conflict, political and administrative fragmentation and armed hostilities aggravating the fragility of the state. The 2021 delayed national elections furthered fragmentation with rival governments and armed groups competing for power, while an agreed election roadmap is pending. The crisis and interrelated shocks continue to affect public services and Libyan households, with a disproportionately negative impact towards children and women. Limited data points to an increase of multidimensional poverty in vulnerable households, while the social protection system remains limited.

Despite the challenging circumstances, the humanitarian situation improved with internal displacement declining. Yet, vulnerable children continue to be at risk of or victims/survivors of abuse, exploitation and limited assistance and access to basic services with about 175’800 Libyan and Non Libyan children in-need of protection services in 2023, including education; of particular concern are migrant and asylum-seeking children, displaced and marginalized children. This requires concerted efforts, to which UNICEF contributes via this proposal.

Ziele Improve the protection and respect of the rights of the most vulnerable and at risk children through fostered access to protection services, including education. 

The intervention directly targets 

  1. 5000 vulnerable and marginalised children and youth (i.e. Libyan children who are displaced and marginalized, and asylum seeker and migrant children; separated and unaccompanied children 
  2. Libyan families (i.e. single parent and poor households) and non-Libyan families and caregivers 
  3. Line Ministries and Institutions, and staff (Social Affairs (MoSA), Education (MoE), Health (MoH) and Social Solidary Fund (SSF) 
  4. Local civil society organisations (CSOs)
Mittelfristige Wirkungen

Outcome 1: Children and youth have improved access to inclusive social protection services to reduce child deprivations and increase human capital.

Outcome 2: Children and youth benefit from strengthened child protection systems and have increased access to quality, inclusive, safe and learning opportunities. 


Erwartete Resultate:  

  • 2 financial analysis on social sectors delivered exploring child-related expenditures; budget briefs inform policy and financing for children 
  • National child coverage dashboard and social protection diagnostics on national social assistance programs developed
  • Trainings on social protection (TRANSFORM), and public finance for children (PF4C) benefited 50 central and district officials who engage on policy
  • 125 social workers and counsellors from the Ministry of Social Affairs and from two CSO fostered capacity on social protection and case management 
  • 5000 children and youth provided with psychosocial services based on their needs, and referrals
  • 1920 children provided with quality education to meet education needs and 1680 youth with life skills opportunities

Resultate von früheren Phasen:  

  • UNICEF contributed to recent research on social protection in Libya (i.e. A mapping of Libya’s social protection sector 2022 with IPC-IG and the National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB)
  • UNICEF jointly with IPC-IG supported NESDB in the development of the “Roadmap for the Development of a National SP Policy in end of 2021
  • Scaled up community centers (Baity) (8) benefiting 8,200 children with non-formal education and remedial classes in 2022 (Non-Libyans and Libyans)

Verantwortliche Direktion/Bundesamt DEZA
Projektpartner Vertragspartner
Organisation der Vereinten Nationen (UNO)
  • United Nations Children’s Fund

Koordination mit anderen Projekten und Akteuren

Coordination: National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB), Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA), Ministry of Education (MoE) the Social Solidarity Fund (SSF), ILO, WFP, CMWG and Intersos.

Synergies: Blue-Print Initiative (UNICEF, UNHCR); Education Cannot Wait (ECW). 

Budget Laufende Phase Schweizer Beitrag CHF    1’615’000 Bereits ausgegebenes Schweizer Budget CHF    1’187’500 Budget inklusive Projektpartner CHF    2’208’633 Projekttotal seit Anfangsphase Schweizer Beitrag CHF   0 Budget inklusive Projektpartner CHF   760’000
Projektphasen Phase 1 01.07.2023 - 30.06.2025   (Laufende Phase)