Local Governance for People and Nature
The contribution to this joint UN programme will improve key services and policies in 99 eligible local governments. By supporting them to enhance good governance in managing their affairs with a special emphasis on social inclusion and environmental protection, the program will result in more equitable, open and efficient local administrations, improved local service provision and citizens’ quality of life. By pooling the efforts of different UN agencies, Switzerland contributes to the implementation of the UN system reform.
Land/Region | Thema | Periode | Budget |
Serbien |
Governance Klimawandel & Umwelt nothemedefined
Umweltpolitik |
- 31.12.2026 |
CHF 9’050’000
- Other UN Organisation
- Schweizerischer Privatsektor
- UNOPS is the main contract partner and fund manager and will have UN agreements signed with UNFPA, UNICEF and UNEP; A MoU will be signed with 3 Serbian ministries (MPALSG, MoLESVA, MEP) as well as with AFD and EBRD
Sektor nach Kategorisierung des Entwicklungshilfeekomitees der OECD REGIERUNG UND ZIVILGESELLSCHAFT
Sub-Sektor nach Kategorisierung des Entwicklungshilfeekomitees der OECD Dezentralisierung / Lokale Gouvernanz / Demokratisierung (inkl. Rechenschaftspflicht)
Politik und Verwaltung im Umweltschutzbereich
Querschnittsthemen Projekt fördert die Biodiversität.
Projekt unterstützt auch Verbesserungen in der Partnerorganisation
Unterstützungsform Auftrag mit treuhänderischer Mittelverwaltung
Projekt- und Programmbeitrag
Projektnummer 7F10761
Hintergrund |
A democratic backsliding trend is highlighted by several global ratings, qualifying Serbia as a hybrid regime. However, ratings on Local Governments’ Good Governance practices do not follow the national negative trend, and are even slightly improving. To counteract the national level trend Local governments (LG) need to step up their efforts to improve good governance and current scope of service provision. Particularly the performance of the social protection sector is weak, with social protection expenditures as GDP ratio gradually declining. The policy framework for social protection has partially evolved, while implementation of new standards is lagging behind. Moreover, the degradation of the environment in Serbia is pervasive, and the Government can no longer ignore environmental citizens’ movements. Serbia ratified the Sofia Declaration on the Green Agenda, supporting a green socio-economic recovery. LGs will need to adapt and contribute with local solutions. The Government will open/upgrade 20 regional waste management centres, but the closure of the old unregulated landfills will affect livelihoods of informal waste pickers, mainly Roma. Switzerland builds upon its long lasting engagement strengthening local governance in Serbia and complements current projects partnering directly with the line ministry and LGs association. |
Ziele | Contribute to improved citizens’ well-being and quality of life through improved local governance, social and environmental protection. |
Zielgruppen |
99 LGs mostly south of Belgrade are eligible to apply for Program support, out of which 50-70 LGs are expected to be selected through public calls, including 20 LGs regarding outcome 3 (environmental pillars). The ultimate target group of the outcome 1 on good governance are the LGs, the general population and civil society. The target group of the outcome 2 on social inclusion are left behind groups, in particular, Roma, disabled and beneficiaries of social protection. One segment of the pillar will address the waste pickers affected with the closure of landfills. Some activities will aim at different age groups, such as youth and elderly. The target groups of the outcome 3 are the LGs, CSOs and general population, with some activities focusing on youth activism. |
Mittelfristige Wirkungen |
Outcome 1: Local governments improve capacities and apply good governance principles in managing their affairs, resulting in citizens' improved quality of life. Outcome 2: Local governments and other relevant local actors develop evidence-based local social protection policies and services, resulting in improved well-being of receiving local left-behind groups. Outcome 3: Local governments improve capacities and apply environmental governance processes in practice, resulting in an improved environmental protection system. |
Resultate |
Erwartete Resultate: Local Governance for People and Nature Programme (LGPN) will result in a number of adapted and new local policies with integrated good governance principles, thus ensuring more accountable and transparent work of LGs and its institutions. E-governance will streamline procedures, ensure higher efficiency and open up data for public use. Social protection policies will be updated to improve the outreach and quality of social protection service provision for at least 5’000 from left behind groups (Roma, disabled and beneficiaries of social protection). Targeted grants will foster integrated and inter-municipal social services. In 20 LGs, environmental governance will be improved by adapting local policies foreseeing concrete measures, such as nature based adaptation solutions, which will prevent further environmental degradation. Targeted grants will co-finance some of the planned measures. Resultate von früheren Phasen: UNOPS implemented three phases of a municipal development program since 2010 in partnership with the European Union, Switzerland and the GoS worth over CHF 103 mio. The LG reforms initiated by the Program in 75 LGs resulted in the adoption of over 450 new local public policies or regulations in public utility service provision, education, health, social protection, sports, culture etc. The reforms led to an improved quality of life for over 210’000 citizens of which more than 30’000 from vulnerable groups. Social inclusion was high on the agenda during the three program phases. About 64’000 vulnerable people were reached through improved social, health, education and communal services and access to rights (34’000), and improved infrastructure (30’000). |
Verantwortliche Direktion/Bundesamt |
Projektpartner |
Vertragspartner Privatsektor Organisation der Vereinten Nationen (UNO) |
Koordination mit anderen Projekten und Akteuren |
The intervention will coordinate efforts in pillar 1 with SDC funded initiatives addressing good governance such as MPALSG, SCTM and MED; in pillar 2 with EU and GiZ funded social protection interventions; and in pillar 3 with UNDP implemented Green Agenda Project co-financed by SDC and SECO. The program will rely on existing UN networks and synergies with a number of line ministries. |
Budget | Laufende Phase Schweizer Beitrag CHF 9’050’000 Bereits ausgegebenes Schweizer Budget CHF 5’075’000 Projekttotal seit Anfangsphase Schweizer Beitrag CHF 0 Budget inklusive Projektpartner CHF 18’100’000 |
Projektphasen | Phase 1 15.12.2022 - 31.12.2026 (Laufende Phase) |