Contribution to UNRWA's Programme Budget 2023-2024
UNRWA is one of Switzerland’s key multilateral partners in the Middle East, due to its important contributions towards stability and peace in the region and its role in providing services and humanitarian assistance to people in need. Under its Programme Budget, UNRWA ensures universal access to quality primary health care and to basic education to 5.8 million registered Palestine refugees. It also provides targeted relief and social services to vulnerable refugees.
Región/País | Tema | Período | Presupuesto |
Jordania Líbano Territorio Palestino Ocupado Siria |
Educación Salud Asistencia humanitaria y RRC
Primary education
Atención primaria de salud Ayuda y servicios materiales de emergencia |
- 31.12.2024 |
CHF 42’200’000
- Organismo de Obras Públicas y Socorro de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados de Palestina en el Cercano Oriente
Sector según clasificación del comité de ayuda al desarrollo de la OCDE EDUCACIÓN
Sub-Sector según clasificación del comité de ayuda al desarrollo de la OCDE Educación primaria
Atención sanitaria básica
Ayuda y servicios materiales de emergencia
Temas transversales Prevención de conflictos
El proyecto apoya también mejoras en la organización contraparte
Tipo de ayuda Contribución básica
Número de proyecto 7F06962
Contexto |
UNRWA was established in 1949 with a temporary mandate by UN General Assembly to respond to the needs of Palestine refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and the occupied Palestinian territory, until a durable and just solution is found to their plight. UNRWA is a priority multilateral organization according to the Strategy on International Cooperation 20212024 (IC Strategy) as well as in the MENA-Strategy 2021-2024. Its mandate is in line with objectives A, C and D of the IC Strategy as well as the priority areas of the Cooperation Programme for the Near East 2021-2024. |
Objetivos |
- Palestine refugees are protected through the realization of their rights under international law, lead healthy lives, complete inclusive and equitable quality education. (Objective 1, 2, 3 Strategic Plan); - Palestine refugees have increased livelihood opportunities. (Objective 4 Strategic Plan); - UNRWA’s mandate is implemented effectively and responsibly. (Objective 7 Strategic Plan). |
Efectos a medio plazo |
- Switzerland engages with UNRWA to strengthen its quality of services, through integrated Protection across its programming as well as delivering innovative and cutting edge vocational training for better job opportunities for Palestine youth; - Switzerland continues to engage with UNRWA to ensure management reforms (i.e. improved oversight and accountability and recruitment processes, internal communication for improved transparency) remain prioritised and well implemented. |
Resultados |
Resultados de las fases anteriores: - Medical services provided to 3.1 Mio refugees per year. The health reform and increased use of e-health potential has improved quality of care, efficiency and cost effectiveness; - 540,000 students attended 710 schools. The education reform has improved learning and drop-out rates; - 390’000 refugees were supported by a social safety net (food and cash/e vouchers). Emergency assistance has reached 1.3 million conflictaffected refugees; - Protection assistance extended across all fields of UNRWA operation with a notable emphasis on advocacy and the mainstreaming of protection standards within service delivery; - Management reforms were implemented to increase transparency and accountability, notably the creation of an Ombudsman function and strengthening of the Division of Internal Oversight Services; - Switzerland identified and supported key management initiatives, such as strengthening of internal oversight, setting up of the Ombudsman function and enhanced transparency of procurement processes; - Switzerland’s financial (complemented by support through human resources) contributed to enabling internal reforms in programmes (for example strengthening of the Protection division) and supporting catalytic initiatives in Vocational Training. |
Dirección / Officina Federal responsable |
Contrapartes del proyecto |
Contraparte del contrato Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) Otras contrapartes UNRWA |
Coordinación con otros proyectos y actores | Switzerland actively seeks and facilitates coordination with donors and host countries. As an active member of the AdCom and SubCom, Switzerland exerts influence in particular on reform processes. |
Presupuesto | Fase en curso Presupuesto suizo CHF 42’200’000 Presupuesto actual suizo ya emitido CHF 32’200’000 |
Fases del proyecto |
Fase 48 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2024 (Active) Fase 46 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2020 (Active) Fase 45 01.01.2016 - 31.01.2017 (Active) Fase 44 01.01.2014 - 31.12.2015 (Active) |