UN Global Compact Core Contribution 2021-2023

Proyecto terminado

The United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) is the largest corporate responsibility initiative worldwide, and one of the most successful UN-Private Sector partnerships. Switzerland has been a major supporter of the UNGC from its inception in 2000 and, with this eighth phase core contribution, is supporting the implementation of the UNGC’s 2021-2023 strategy, which has the overarching objective of accelerating and scaling the global positive impact of business on the 2030 Agenda.

Región/País Tema Período Presupuesto
A nivel mundial
Empleo y desarrollo económico
Apoyo a empresas e inclusión económica
Sector not specified
01.01.2021 - 31.12.2023
CHF  1’350’000
Contexto Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will only be possible if the private sector – as the main provider of jobs, innovation, and economic growth – aligns its activities with the 2030 Agenda. The UN Global Compact, as the largest corporate responsibility initiative in the world, is uniquely placed to galvanize the alignment of responsible business practices with the SDGs by calling on companies everywhere to align their strategies and operations with its Ten Principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment, and anti corruption, as well as to report on their progress in doing so. With its newly adopted Strategy, developed following an intensive multistakeholder consultation process, the UNGC is now, in this decade of action, ready to accelerate and scale the collective impact of business to contribute to the SDGs.

The overall goal of this eight phase contribution is to support the implementation of the UNGC’s 2021-2023 Strategy with the overarching aim to:

Accelerate and scale the global collective impact of business by implementing the Ten Principles of the UNGC and contribute to the SDGs through two vectors:

-   Accountable and responsible companies: they need to demonstrate their progress on the SDGs using the new reporting standard tool of the UNGC and 

-   Enabling ecosystems: creating and using a network of global actors (privat and public actors) in order to advance the cause of responsible business  and help companies to deliver on the SDGs.

Grupos destinarios Businesses worldwide; Local Networks; Partner Governments; UN System 
Efectos a medio plazo

-   Participant companies are responsible and accountable, ie. UNGC participants will demonstrate higher adherence to the Ten Principles and substantive contribution to the SDGs by using the new and more stringent reporting tool of UNGC.

-   Growth and quality of local UNGC networks is ensured, i.e. strengthen the existing 69 local networks and extend more into the Global South.

-   Impact in prioritized areas (core programming) is measured

-   Collective action of SMEs is harnessed, i.e. engagement and action of SMEs through the establishment of a targeted and crosscutting SME programme.

- Strong engagement with the UN is ensured, i.e. working ever more closely with various UN Agencies, Resident Coordinators (RC), and UN Country Teams (UNCT). 


Resultados previstos:  

To achieve its ambition the UNGC has identified three engagement areas:

Lead and Shape: In its priority areas (core programming) the UNGC will engage in thought leadership, curate best practices and knowledge. 

Cooperate with others: In these 6 SDGs, the UNGC will be cooperating with other actors in the field of responsible business that are leading and engaging the business sector selectively.

Follow and amplify: In the remaining SDGs the UNGC will amplify existing efforts by sharing best practices and studies in the field of responsible business.

Resultados de las fases anteriores:  

In this particularly challenging time (Covid crisis) and in spite of the introduction of a new (fee paying) business model, the UNGC has achieved sustainable growth. Only in 2020, 2290 new companies have joined the UNGC.  

The UNGC has launched important programs, such as the  global impact initiatives on Gender, Youth Innovation and the 1.5C campaign to generate behaviour change and accelerate the implementation of the SGDs at local level. The UNGC has also started enhancing the collaboration with the entire UN system, concretely is has created a “Regional Partnership Officer Network” where UNGC provides guidance on corporate engagement and best practices on how to mobilise the private sector. These are shared with colleagues within the UN. (for more see Annex 1b) However, the UNGC has also fallen short in delivering some of its goals.

Namely, the intiative has not delivered sufficiently on its Africa strategy and the launching and strenghthening of local networks, mainly in the Global South. These challenges will be addressed with the current strategy. 

Dirección / Officina Federal responsable COSUDE
Contrapartes del proyecto Contraparte del contrato
Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU)
  • United Nations Global Compact

Coordinación con otros proyectos y actores

Swiss Local Network of the UNGC (A&P)

SECO and AMS: The UNGC is an important instrument for advancing the Federal Council’s vision of responsible business.

MiNY: As the Chair of the cross-regional Group of Friends, the MiNY plays an important role in enabling dialogue between the UNGC, UN Member States and the UN system as a whole.

Funds&Programmes: Systematic dialogue on Private Sector Engagement through Swiss Engagement in the Executive Boards. 

Presupuesto Fase en curso Presupuesto suizo CHF    1’350’000 Presupuesto actual suizo ya emitido CHF    1’350’000
Fases del proyecto

Fase 8 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2023   (Completed)

Fase 7 01.12.2016 - 31.12.2020   (Completed) Fase 6 01.09.2014 - 31.12.2016   (Completed) Fase 5 15.09.2011 - 31.12.2013   (Completed)