Response to Gender-Based Violence 25-29
In order to fight increasing gender-based violence (GBV) in humanitarian and conflict contexts, address the root causes in a sustainable way and to contribute to lasting change, Switzerland provides targeted, multi-year funding for GBV prevention and response, and invests in rights-based and survivor-centred projects of three key partners.
Región/País | Tema | Período | Presupuesto |
A nivel mundial |
Violencia sexual y de género
- 31.12.2029 |
CHF 5’000’000
- Survivors of Gender-Based Violence and their communities
- Multilateral agencies and fora, such as the UN System
- Governmental and nongovernmental actors working on gender-based violence
- Gender-Based violence practitioners
- Service delivery to survivors of GBV is enhanced
- Swiss priorities are embedded in global norms and international discourse on GBV
- Enhanced accountability, learning and knowledge production, especially at a local level
- O1: Population in need / at risk of GBV that receive specialized care
- O1: CRSV survivors receive interim reparative measures
- O2: Advocacy efforts lead to policy, programmatic and legislative changes at international and national levels
- O3:Technical assistance to governments, civil society and practitioners
- O3:Local actors, especially Women-led Organisations and survivors, have increased leadership in GBV coordination
- Other international or foreign NGO North
- Sector privado extranjero Norte
- Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo
- Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas
- Global Survivors Fund
- CRSV MPTF / UNDP (starting in 2027)
Sector según clasificación del comité de ayuda al desarrollo de la OCDE GOBIERNO Y SOCIEDAD CIVIL
Sub-Sector según clasificación del comité de ayuda al desarrollo de la OCDE Ending violence against women and girls
Temas transversales Derechos humanos
Tipo de ayuda Contribución a proyectos y programas
Número de proyecto 7F11395
Contexto |
Gender-based violence (GBV)1 is the most prevalent human rights violation in the world, a key challenge to achieving SDG 5 and a systematic harmful pattern in both conflict and non-conflict settings with estimated cost of 2% of global GDP (USD 1.6 billion). One in three women and girls globally have been subjected to intimate partner violence, non-partner sexual violence or both at least once in their lives, with devastating immediate and long-term impacts on physical and mental health, education and economic well-being. The root cause of GBV is gender inequality and gender stereotypes which requirescommunity-based action against GBV. |
Objetivos | Promote and support quality assistance and services for survivors of gender-based violence that are safe, as well as influence normative frameworks around gender-based violence. |
Grupos destinarios |
Efectos a medio plazo |
Resultados |
Resultados previstos: Selected key outputs include, but are not limited to: Resultados de las fases anteriores: Global Survivors Fund (GSF): Over 3000 survivors of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence have received interim reparative measures since 2020, 8 governments received technical support. United Nations Population Fund, Gender-Based Violence Area of Responsibility (UN-FPA GBV AoR): The GBV AoR helpdesk treated over 100 inquiries from the field in 2023. Conflict-related Sexual Violence Multi-Partner Trust Fund (CRSV MPTF): In 2023 in the DRChundreds of survivors of CRSV received support, same as in Ukraine and in Mali, where more than 6500 survivors were reached through one project alone. |
Dirección / Officina Federal responsable |
Crédito |
Ayuda humanitaria |
Contrapartes del proyecto |
Contraparte del contrato ONG internacional o extranjera Sector privado Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) Contraparte de la implémentación |
Coordinación con otros proyectos y actores | This portfolio will complement the broader SDC and Swiss Engagement on protection and gender equality, both at international and at local level. The contribution complements the Swiss involvement and participation in international initiatives such as the Prevention of Sexual Violence Initiative, the Call to Action on Protection from GBV in Emergencies and the GBV Funder Collaboration Forum. |
Presupuesto | Fase en curso Presupuesto suizo CHF 5’000’000 Presupuesto actual suizo ya emitido CHF 977’400 Total del proyecto desde la primera fase Presupuesto suizo CHF 9’625’000 Presupuesto inclusive contrapartes del proyecto CHF 10’000’000 |