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Mr Cassis met with Omani representatives to discuss the latest developments in the Middle East and report on his recent trip to Iraq. Cassis's diplomatic visit comes at a time of significant change in the region. "The new administration in the United States is committed to resuming a peace process in Yemen and is seeking a return to the Iran nuclear deal. Over the medium term, this could also have a positive impact on relations between conflicting states in the region, most notably Saudi Arabia and Iran. Switzerland and Oman support all efforts in this regard," announced Cassis following his meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Sayyid Fahd bin Mahmoud Al Said and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sayyid Badr bin Hamad bin Hamood Al Busaidi. Mr Cassis also signed a memorandum of understanding for regular political consultations with Oman.
Working together for greater peace and security in the Middle East
Like Switzerland, Oman pursues a neutral foreign policy and maintains good relations with all countries in the Gulf region. Both countries are known for their good offices and have successfully mediated conflicts in the past. In 2019, Switzerland signed a memorandum of understanding to expand cooperation in the areas of mediation and peacebuilding. In partnership with Oman, Switzerland would like to contribute to strengthening trust between states in the region. "Thanks to its expertise in this area, Switzerland is a much sought-after partner, and Oman has an excellent knowledge of the various interests in the region. The two countries therefore complement each other perfectly," said Cassis.
Economic opportunities and global health
Mr Cassis also spoke with the Omani Minister of Foreign Affairs about prospects for Swiss companies in Oman. They also discussed joint initiatives in the areas of global health as well as vocational education & young people – two priorities set out by the Federal Council in its MENA Strategy for Oman.
Further information:
MENA Strategy 2021-2024
Strategy IC 2021-2024
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