Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer attends meeting of EU and EFTA economics and finance ministers in Brussels

Press releases, 08.11.2016

On Tuesday, 8 November 2016, Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer attended the annual meeting of the economics and finance ministers of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and the European Union (EU), the so-called Joint ECOFIN, in Brussels. The meeting focused on investing activity in Europe.

During their annual meeting, the EU and EFTA economics and finance ministers address topical issues in terms of economic policy and the general economic situation. This year, the spotlight was on investing activity in EFTA and EU member states, as well as its significance for economic growth and employment.

Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein have close economic ties with the EU. They use this opportunity to emphasise that, as third countries, they too are affected by developments in the EU. The facilitation of investment should be supplemented by structural reforms that boost productivity and reduce the misallocation of resources.

Finance Minister Ueli Maurer highlighted the priorities from Switzerland's perspective at the meeting. These include not only investment and Switzerland's innovative power, but also current reform projects to improve the framework conditions, as well as the importance of bilateral relations with the EU. From a Swiss perspective, stable public finances and readiness for structural reforms are also of paramount importance for a favourable investment climate.

Address for enquiries:

Roland Meier, Media Spokesperson FDF
Tel. +41 58 462 60 86, roland.meier@gs-efd.admin.ch


Federal Department of Finance