H.E. Urs Bucher, Ambassador of Switzerland to the EU, cordially invites you to share a Swiss coffee debate and join the discussion on "Fast and fair: How rapid procedures can increase protection for asylum seekers. The Swiss asylum reform, a year on", on Thursday, 12th March 2020 from 5 pm to 6.30 pm at the Mission of Switzerland to the EU.
Welcome by H.E. Urs Bucher, Head of the Mission of Switzerland to the EU.
Followed by a discussion between
Mario Gattiker, State Secretary, Swiss State Secretariat for Migration (SEM)
Gerald Knaus, Founding Chairman, European Stability Initiative (ESI)
Moderated by Remo Hess, Correspondent CH Media in Brussels
European migration policy is at a crossroads. The existing rules have been put to the test in 2015-2016. The shortcomings of the current asylum policies have been exposed. Four years later, it remains doubtful whether Europe is now better prepared to cope with a new migratory influx.
Yet, the announced pact on migration and asylum may provide new opportunities in terms of European migration cooperation. The main challenge remains to find the right balance between solidarity and responsibility. The implementation of accelerated and harmonised procedures at external borders could be key in reforming the current European asylum rules. Some of these procedures have already been introduced at national level, including in Switzerland.
In March 2019, the reform of the Swiss asylum system entered into force, based on a simple but fundamental principle: fast and fair procedures. One year later, what preliminary conclusions can be drawn from this new procedure? To what extent could the Swiss reform contribute to the current debate at European level?
To register please reply to swissbreakfast@eda.admin.ch by Tuesday, 10th March 2020. For security reasons please present your ID document at the registration desk.
As places are limited, registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration starts as of 4.45 pm.
Please be advised that photos will be taken at this event. By participating, you allow the Mission of Switzerland to the EU and the event's cooperation partners photographing using your likeness in the press, on websites, in social media and other publications.