Exhibition"War and Peace"
The War and Peace Exhibition, organized in partnership with the United Nations (UN Geneva) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is dedicated to the timeless realities of war, and the peace that must follow. This exhibition is organized in three stages: the origin of wars, the time of destruction and the peace process.
It presents narrations and documents from literature, fine art, different religions, philosophy, diplomacy and the humanitarian and political world. With the help of literary works, propaganda posters, pictures, engravings and archival material, the exhibition aims to inform visitors on the everlasting dialogue between man’s warlike nature and his deep desire for peace.
Dates : October 5th 2019 to March 1st 2020
Place: Fondation Martin Bodmer
Exhibition "100 Years of Multilateralism in Geneva"
Presenting unique documents coming from the UN archives, the exhibition explores the evolution of the multilateral system since the creation of the League of Nations to the work of the United Nations today.
It outlines the contours of multilateralism and highlights the exceptional role that Geneva plays on the international level, while revealing some of the little-known aspects of multilateral diplomacy. The documents exhibited invite visitors both to understand the place of multilateralism in the functioning of the contemporary international system and start thinking about its evolution and future.
Dates : October 8th 2019 to April 30th 2020
Place: United Nations Geneva Museum, Palais des Nations