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Publications (72)

Object 61 – 72 of 72

Achats de biens et services des organisations multilatérales – La place de la Suisse face à d’autres fournisseurs et facteurs explicatifs

As a complement to the periodic publications on the economic repercussions of public development aid in Switzerland, this independent study examines the development of purchases of goods and services by multilateral organisations from Swiss companies during the decade beginning in 2000. It analyses Switzerland's role compared with that of other industrialised and emerging countries. The results show that Switzerland is in a very good position among the suppliers of the United Nations and of the World Bank.

Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – Interim Report of Switzerland 2010

At the Millennium Summit in September 2010, the UN General Assembly drew up its second interim balance sheet, as it did for the first time in 2005, on the implementation status of the 8 Millennium Development Goals that are to be reached by the year 2015. In its report, the Federal Council illustrates the way in which Switzerland, working in cooperation with national and international partners, is making an effective contribution to the attainment of the MDGs.

CEDAW - brochure

In 1997, Switzerland ratified the International Convention on the Elimination of All Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). This year, Switzerland will submit a report to the relevant UN committee in New York on the status of implementation of the Convention. In an easy-to-read brochure, the FDFA and the Federal Office for Gender Equality (FOGE) explain the new law.

ABC of Diplomacy (out of print, available in PDF format)

The ABC of Diplomacy is a glossary of alphabetically ordered key words that explain frequently used terms and provides information about the law and customs governing international relations.

Object 61 – 72 of 72