2030 Agenda Advisory Group

The Federal Council has set up the Advisory Group to promote dialogue between non-state actors involved in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

The members of the Advisory Group are appointed by the 2030 Agenda Steering Committee. It is composed of 18 representatives from the fields of civil society, business and academia. The Group’s mandate is to advise the 2030 Agenda Steering Committee on issues relating to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as well as to comment on work done at the national and international levels. The members of the Advisory Group assume coordination within their respective areas.

The Advisory Group shall in particular perform the following tasks:

  • Developing strategic considerations for shaping the post-2030 Agenda and drawing up proposals for the attention of the federal administration and lawmakers;
  • Ensuring dialogue between politics and administration on the one hand and between civil society, business and science on the other;
  • Contributing thematic expertise to the work and deliberations of the 2030 Agenda Steering Committee and to the Confederation's projects in the field of the 2030 Agenda;
  • Drafting opinions on action plans, possible updates to the 2030 Sustainable Development Strategy and reports on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda;
  • Suggestions on how to deal with “trade-offs” and use possible synergies between the different goals as well as how to achieve specific goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development;
  • Participate in events;
  • Inform about the 2030 Agenda.

List of Members



Nadine Aebischer

Swiss National Youth Council (SNYC)

Barbara Dubach


Regina Betz

Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), NRP 73

Thomas Breu

University of Bern

Vivian Fankhauser-Feitknecht

Alliance F, Federation of Swiss Women's Associations

Benoît Frund

University of Lausanne

Antonio Hautle

UN Global Compact network in Switzerland and Liechtenstein

Eva Jaisli

Swissmem, PB Swiss Tools

Alexander Keberle


Andreas Lustenberger


Daniella Lützelschwab

Swiss Employers' Association

Andreas Missbach

Alliance Sud

Erol Bilecen

Swiss Bankers Association

Eva Schmassmann

Platform Agenda 2030

Irmi Seidl

Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL)

Heidi Strebel

University of Lausanne, Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Switzerland

Friedrich Wulf

Pro Natura, Umweltallianz

Reto Wyss

Swiss Trade Union Confederation