Heat insulation and energy-efficient equipment in public hospitals

Project completed
Construction work in Taurage
Construction work in the maternity wards of the Taurage hospital has finished. Improved insulation protects the newborns from the cold and the heat. © SECO

Switzerland is supporting the improvement of energy efficiency in 24 Lithuanian maternity wards. Thanks to improved building insulation, women in childbirth and their newborn babies enjoy better conditions, hospital operating costs are reduced and environmental protection is promoted.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Protecting the environment
Energy efficiency and renewable energy
21.12.2011 - 30.04.2017
CHF  19’000’000

Note: the texts under all the headings, with the exception of 'Results achieved', describe the situation before the start of the project.


Switzerland's present support has its roots in Swiss transition assistance provided during the 1990s, which brought about substantive improvements in the health of mothers and children in Lithuania and was received very positively there.

Despite the enormous progress in the Lithuanian healthcare system since the early 1990s, the infant and maternal mortality rates in Lithuania were still higher than the European average. The healthcare system is well organised, but its infrastructure and equipment were inadequate – a situation that affected both basic equipment and the use of new medical technologies. Energy efficiency also had some catching up to do: most Lithuanian hospitals were built between 1960 and 1980 to the Soviet standard of the time. Their outdated machines consumed a great deal of energy and the buildings were poorly insulated.

With the Swiss Contribution, Switzerland is supporting two projects: The continuing training of medical personnel and the modernisation of antiquated hospital infrastructures in 27 Lithuanian hospitals, and increasing energy efficiency in 24 of them.

  • Improved energy efficiency leading to a reduction of operating costs and enhanced environmental protection.
  • Improved indoor climate in maternity wards.
  • Improved safety and reliability of medical gas supply systems.
Target groups

The pregnant and delivering women with their newborns as well as the hospital employees benefit from the improved indoor climate in the maternity wards. 

The 24 hospitals benefit from reduced operating costs.

The entire Lithuanian population benefits from the improved protection of the environment.

  • The highest priority is improved thermal insulation. To this end, doors, windows, roofs and walls are being renovated or replaced.
  • The hospitals' building technology – heating and water supply systems, electrical installations, air supply and ventilation – is being modernised. Heating pumps and solar collectors as well as LED lights are installed.
  • The medical oxygen supply systems are being improved.

Achieved results:  

  • In 24 hospitals mothers and their newborns can benefit from an improved indoor climate.
  • Improved thermal insulation and operational energy efficient engineering systems in 24 hospitals: 16,7 GWh energy are saved per year; heat consumption after renovation amounts to 102,5 kwh/m2 per year; on average energy costs in the amount of 45 300 Euro per year can be saved in each hospital.
  • Amount of renewable energy produced: 880 Mwh/year (solar collectors), 1 080 Mwh/year (photovoltaics) and 5 575 Mwh/year (heating pumps).

Directorate/federal office responsible SECO
Credit area Swiss Contribution to the enlarged EU
Project partners Contract partner
  • Lithuanian Ministry of Finance

Implementing partner
Lithuanian Ministry of Health and 24 Lithuanian hospitals

Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    19’000’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    18’670’204
Project phases

Phase 1 21.12.2011 - 30.04.2017   (Completed)