Climate change – a challenge for sustainable development. Together, we strive to find solutions that facilitate systemic change: 31 March – 1 April 2022.
Tuesday, 01.02.2022 Friday, 01.04.2022
Public event
Climate change – a challenge for sustainable development. Together, we strive to find solutions that facilitate systemic change: 31 March – 1 April 2022.
Location: Virtuell
At this moment the eyes of the world are on the terrible war in Ukraine and the hearts are with the civilian population as with all persons affected by violence worldwide. Not only have thousands of innocent people lost their lives, not only has it triggered a movement of refugees in Europe on an unprecedented scale – but it also threatens the reliable supply of food products such as wheat and cooking oil, of fertilizers as well as fuel and gas in large parts of the world. The IC Forum 2022 will be held under the sign of three simultaneous crises that confront the International Cooperation with new challenges: the crisis in Ukraine, the still continuing COVID-19 crisis that has shaken the global economy, disrupted the education of an entire generation and destroyed the livelihoods of many and the third main challenge for mankind – the climate crisis. Extreme weather events have massively increased and are affecting societies, economies and environments as never before in human history.
International cooperation actors, among others, are facing unprecedented difficulties to alleviate the suffering of the people affected by natural disasters, droughts or rising sea levels. Global warming is causing long-lasting changes, which threaten to reverse development progress and exacerbate extreme poverty, inequality and famine.
Despite all the efforts undertaken at the international level on this issue, the objectives set in the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and 2030 Sustainable Development Goals are far from being achieved. Working for the people on the ground and applying solution-oriented approaches, international cooperation experts and representatives of various fields have much to contribute to this debate. For this reason Switzerland decided to organize the First Edition of the International Cooperation Forum on climate change. It will take place in Geneva from 31 March to 1st April.
Your contribution and engagement is needed. Reserve your place in time and participate interactively.
The IC Forum will take place as an expert congress to which the public is welcome. It will be a hybrid and CO2-neutral event. Participation is free of charge. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in English, French and Spanish.
Further information can be found on the IC Forum platform.
Together Different: For the Planet. For the People.
Let’s face the unadorned truth about today’s worldwide decisive issue: climate change– a challenge for sustainable development. Let’s answer the crucial questions: How does climate change jeopardize sustainable development? Why is there so much talk and so little action? And how can we change this failure? And finally let’s set the course for solutions in the interest of the planet and the future generations. Together we make a difference by combining different perspectives and approaches.
Coffee Break and Marketplace – networking and exchange
Discover innovative and surprising ideas and approaches at the marketplace! On site or online during coffee breaks.
Cities: Pioneers in tackling climate change?
Cities around the world are at the same time drivers of climate change and bearers of solutions to tackle this challenge. Are the best solutions born at local rather than national level? And how can they be spread all over the world and inspire others?
Coffee Break and Marketplace – networking and exchange
Working Session 1
Healthy diet for a healthy planet
Working Session 2
Producing sustainable energy and using it efficiently
Working Session 3
Managing water in a changing climate
Working Session 4
The role of IC in scaling up green investments in developing countries
Reception – networking and exchange
Taking a critical look inward
Are we doing the right things and do we do them correctly? What needs more attention, what needs less and where are we off-track? How can international cooperation make its activities more climate-friendly?
Coffee Break and Marketplace – networking and exchange
Working Session 5
Digital health for resilience
Working Session 6
Towards a greener IC
Working Session 7
Sustainability and technologies in IC – a happy marriage or a conflictual relationship?
Working Session 8
Greening the economy while protecting human rights: a dilemma?
Stand-up Lunch break and marketplace - networking and exchange
Are we making a difference?
Over the years there was so much talk: now action is needed! Let’s use our collective intelligence to find ways to break down noble commitments to concrete steps in the field. To tackle the challenges of the climate crisis we need to change fundamentally how we act, how we treat the planet and its resources and we need even to change ourselves.
Direct e-mail address: icforum@eda.admin.ch