Past events (143)
Swiss launch of the UNESCO 2020 Global Education Monitoring Report
Tuesday, 23.06.2020
Tuesday, 30.06.2020
web conference
The Swiss launch of the UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report hosted by the SDC and its partners on 30 June 2020 will be an opportunity to explore the theme for 2020: inclusion in education. (With simultaneous translation FR / ENG / GER / IT)
Location: Online
Humanitarian Aid – no thanks? Where aid meets its limits
Friday, 27.03.2020
Friday, 27.03.2020
Public event; Conference Assembly
Humanitäre Hilfe – nein danke? Wo Hilfe an Grenzen stösst Jahrestagung Humanitäre Hilfe und SKH Freitag, 27. März 2020, 13.30 Uhr
Location: Kultur und Kongresszentrum Trafo Baden, Brown Boveri Pl. 1, 5400 Baden
Conference Art at Risk – creative work in challenging contexts
Thursday, 27.02.2020
Saturday, 29.02.2020
international conference
Conference Art at Risk – creative work in challenging contexts in Zurich, Feb. 27th to 29th 2020
Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur
Tuesday, 05.11.2019
Sunday, 10.11.2019
SDC panel discussion: Swiss support for health reforms in cooperation with Eastern Europe
Friday, 04.10.2019
Friday, 04.10.2019
SDC panel discussion Swiss support for health reforms in cooperation with Eastern Europe. What synergies and strengths can be drawn from the Swiss health system?
Location: Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana SUPSI, via Violino 11, Stabile Piazzetta, 6928 Manno
Zürcher Theater Spektakel
Thursday, 15.08.2019
Sunday, 01.09.2019
The SDC supports the productions of artists from the South and from the East at the Zürcher Theater Spektakel.
Location: Zürich
72nd Locarno Film Festival
Wednesday, 07.08.2019
Saturday, 17.08.2019
Cultural event; Public event
The SDC supports the Locarno Festival's Open Doors section, which every year spotlights a different part of the world where there are few opportunities for film-making and the promotion of culture.
Location: Locarno
70 years Switzerland – UNESCO
Monday, 17.06.2019
Thursday, 20.06.2019
Conference Assembly
From the 17th to the 20th of June the Swiss Commission for UNESCO will celebrate the 70th anniversary of its creation and of Switzerland's adhesion to UNESCO on the Waisenhausplatz in Bern, with multiple conferences, expositions and networking.
Location: Bern, Waisenhausplatz
African Book Fair 2019
Wednesday, 01.05.2019
Sunday, 05.05.2019
Public event
The African Book Fair 2019, which promotes authors and publishers from Africa, is supported by the SDC.
Location: Geneva
Exhibition "Displaced" – In the footsteps of refugees
Saturday, 06.04.2019
Sunday, 05.01.2020
Public event; Cultural event
Every day we see images of people who fled their homeland, only to tragically lose their lives. But what does it mean to be forced to abandon your home, work, family and country? The exhibition "Displaced" allows visitors to put themselves in the shoes of refugees and to get some idea of what it is like to be forced to flee one's home.
Location: Historical and Ethnological Museum St. Gallen
Visions du Réel
Friday, 05.04.2019
Saturday, 13.04.2019
Public event
The SDC supports the Visions du Réel international film festival, which seeks to give film-makers from the South and the East greater access to the Swiss public and the international film market.
Location: Nyon
Water in Crisis – Annual Conference of Swiss Humanitarian Aid
Friday, 29.03.2019
Friday, 29.03.2019
Conference Assembly
Water in Crisis, Annual Conference of Swiss Humanitarian Aid Friday, 29 March 2019, 1.00 pm, Kursaal, Bern
Location: Kursaal Bern, Kornhausstrasse 3
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Last update 21.10.2024