Publications (329)
Report on Effectiveness: Swiss international cooperation in the field of gender equality 2007-2016
Gender equality is essential to achieving sustainable development. The study, which was carried out by a team of external experts, comprises an assessment of three distinct project and programme portfolios during the period from 2007 to 2016 that reflect our approach to implementing the FDFA’s gender equality policy.
Better buildings equal less pollution: the SDC supports India in its efforts to combat climate change
Un seul monde 2/2018
Les montagnes: Des régions cruciales pour l'avenir de la planète / Géorgie: Le pays agricole du Caucase mise sur la viticulture / Pesticides: Un bien ou un mal dans la lutte contre la faim et la malnutrition?
Swiss Enlargement Contribution: Annual Report 2017
The ten countries that joined the EU in 2004 have completed their projects under the enlargement contribu-tion. SECO and the SDC have taken stock of the last decade and published the results in their 2017 annual report. The projects have made a significant contribution to reducing economic and social disparities in Europe. Switzerland was also able to use its expertise to make a meaningful contribution to a number of projects.
Swiss International Cooperation – Annual Report 2017
From vocational education and training to sustainable tourism to the use of satellite-based measuring instruments to calculate the extent of crop losses: Swiss international cooperation was also effective in 2017. The SDC and SECO annual report, which is now published only in electronic format, provides detailed information.
Swiss cooperation strategy Central America 2018-2021
Un seul monde 1/2018
La famine : Les raisons d’un fléau qui persiste / L’Inde en plein essor : La classe moyenne émergente, qui compte plusieurs centaines de millions de personnes, réclame des logements plus spacieux / Manque de médicaments : Grosse carence dans l’accès aux médicaments vitaux
How mobiles change smallholder farmers' lives
Stratégie de la Coopération Suisse en Haïti 2018–2021
Swiss Development Assistance: statistics 2016
This publication consists of six tables providing an overview of public development assistance (Swiss Confederation, cantons, communes) and private grants (NGOs) from Switzerland in 2016, by recipient country and by organization. It also includes a list of the main projects by country. The appendix contains a list of Swiss private organizations active in development cooperation.
Swiss cooperation strategy Bangladesh 2018 -2021
Un seul monde 4/2017
Fuir : Les camps de réfugiés offrent protection et perspectives / Zimbabwe : Autrefois, un État agraire prospère. Aujourd’hui, un pays ruiné et en faillite / De l’argent plutôt que du riz : Les programmes de transferts monétaires : une alternative à la distribution de vivres