Support to the Trust Fund for a reformed Resident Coordinator System of the Unit-ed Nations

Project completed

The Resident Coordinator System is an indispensable aspect of the UN Development System (UNDS) Reform. Mandated to lead and coordinate the UN engagement at global, regional and country level, the RC System relies on predictable and sustainable funding. A contribution to the RC Trust Fund supports the roll out of the UNDS Reform, reconfirms Switzerland’s position as a UNDS reform champion and provides leverage for Switzerland’s multilateral reform dialogue.

Topic Period Budget
Public sector policy
Domestic revenue mobilisation
01.11.2021 - 31.03.2023
CHF  9’400’000
Background Switzerland has been a champion of the UNDS Reform since the very beginnings and has facilitated the far reaching 2018 resolution that put the UNDS reform into effect on the 1st of January 2019. Switzerland’s policy engagement to promote the roll out of the UNDS Reform is an important contribution to Switzerland’s strategic goal of a more effective multilateral system (FDFA Strategic Goal 2022 Effective Multilateralism). A reinvigorated Resident Coordinator System at the global, regional and country levels is a key enabler of the ongoing repositioning of the UNDS Reform to deliver on the Agenda 2030 Against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, the RC System has shown its considerable value and potential, by facilitating a rapid, coherent, and effective response by the UNDS to the health, humanitarian, and socio-economic impacts of the pandemic. Currently, the RC System is funded through three distinct sources: 1) voluntary contributions from Member States; 2) cost-sharing contributions from UN agencies; and 3) a 1% Levy on tightly earmarked donor contributions. A revision of the hybrid funding model proposed by the UN Secretary General in 2021 and supported by Switzerland to increase financial sustainability and ensure adequate funding for the RC System did not enjoy consensus and the continuation of the current model is likely. Voluntary contributions to the RC TF thus remain the most important funding source for the RC System that remains about 25% short of its budget target.
Objectives Accelerate the impact of the UNDS at country level in reducing poverty and inequalities, and increasing the sustainble use of natural resources  as defined in the Agenda 2030 under the leadership of a strenghtened Resident Coordinator System.
Target groups

Direct: UN Development Coordination Office, Resident Coordinator Offices, United Nations Country Teams, ECOSOC

Indirect: UN Member States, international organisations, civil society, private sector partners working with the UN on the 2030 Agenda.

Medium-term outcomes

Outcome 1:

UN Development Coordination Office has the capacity to efficiently and effectively lead the reinvigorated resident coordinator system, in line with the mandates conferred to it in the 2018 General Assembly resolution 72/279

Outcome 2:

Resident Coordinators have the capacity to provide strategic, efficient and effective leadership for sustainable development outcomes of UN country teams and improved collective UN support to national governments, in line with UN Development Cooperation Frameworks, national priorities and ownership

Outcome 3:

The Resident Coordinator System’s financial sustainability is improved through a broader funding base


Expected results:   UN Development Coordination Office has the human and financial resources to support the Resident Coordinator System, including the management of the Trust Fund. Resident Coordinators have the human and financial resources to implement the Resident Coordinator System at country level, including the implementation of the new UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Frameworks (UNSDCF). They enable for the engagement of a wider set of UN entities in UNCTs, making more fully available to countries the capacities of specialized Agencies, Regional Economic and Social Commissions and the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, amongst others.

Results from previous phases:  

·       New Resident Coordinator System put in place on 1st January 2019

·       Systematic roll-out of operational guidelines for new UN Cooperation Frameworks

·       Management and Accountability Framework of the UN development and RC system introduced at all levels

·       New financing instruments, including new pooled funds in- country, to catalyze joint action

·       Dual accountability model for UN Country Teams established

·       RC/HC Talent Pipeline launched

·       Efficiency gains in countries increased by ca. 57% between 2019 and 2020 (> USD 100 mio).

·       Regional Collaborative Platforms with common knowledge hubs established in all regions

-        Enhanced synergies between humanitarian, development and peacebuilding and enhanced relevance of the UN to country’s development needs

Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
Project partners Contract partner
United Nations Organization (UNO)
  • Other UN Organisation
  • UN Secretariat

Coordination with other projects and actors

Joint SDG Fund (new phase planned 2022-2025)

Accountability for the 2030 Agenda: support to the High Level Political Forum to review national reports on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda (2020-2023)

Peacebuilding Fund (2021-2023)

Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    9’400’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    9’400’000
Project phases Phase 3 01.04.2023 - 31.12.2024   (Current phase)

Phase 2 01.11.2021 - 31.03.2023   (Completed)

Phase 1 01.12.2018 - 31.12.2019   (Completed)