No development without human rights

Rohingya children playing with a doll at a refugee camp in Bangladesh.
The SDC gives high priority to protecting the rights of vulnerable groups such as the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh. © Anna Dubuis / DFID

Sustainable development is only possible if fundamental human rights principles such as non-discrimination, participation, and the rule of law are respected. These rights form the basis of international cooperation. This is why the promotion of human rights is a key issue for the SDC.

SDC focus

The realization of human rights is a foreign policy objective anchored in the Federal Constitution. Swiss human rights foreign policy focuses on the following three priorities:

  • The protection and promotion of civil and political rights, for example access to justice free of discrimination and participation in political processes
  • The protection and promotion of economic, social and cultural rights, such as the right to education or health
  • The protection of the rights of especially vulnerable groups.

The SDC contributes to the implementation of the human rights policy by promoting the rights of the poor and supporting governments in their efforts to respect, protect and promote these rights. SDC's programmes on fighting poverty actively promote human rights.

Working with the human rights approach

The SDC works with a human-rights-based approach. In addition to international standards, which give legitimacy to development cooperation, the SDC promotes the following human rights principles:

  • Equal rights and non-discrimination
  • Participation and support in asserting human rights (empowerment)
  • Responsibility for human rights violations, accountability and redress
  • Indivisibility and universality.

The SDC undertakes to systematically include questions of rights, for example in the fields of migration or labour law, in its programmes in all its partner countries. It uses a human rights approach to help people ("rights holders") to exercise and demand their rights. At the same time, it assists state and non-state institutions ("duty bearers") in their efforts to adhere to their obligation to ensure respect for and the protection of human rights.

Strengthening state institutions and promoting the rights of vulnerable groups

Fragility, armed conflicts and human rights violations – which tend to become mutually reinforcing like in a vicious cycle – hinder the fight against poverty. In most cases, fragile states cannot guarantee basic services, including protection against human rights violations. For this reason, the SDC helps its partner countries strengthen their state structures, thus enabling them to better fulfil their human rights obligations.

In Tajikistan, for example, the SDC supports reforms to strengthen rights-assistance services, the main beneficiaries of which are women whose husbands have gone to other countries to work. In Albania, with the assistance of the SDC, a comprehensive and sustainable social-protection system has been put in place to improve the social integration of the Roma community. In Bolivia, the SDC supports the national ombudsman's office for human rights, and seeks to address the concerns of the indigenous populations. In Afghanistan, the SDC assists women's organisations, and in Honduras it helps protect human rights defenders.

With these projects, the SDC promotes the rights of vulnerable and disadvantaged groups, strengthens civil society and promotes the establishment of state institutions.

Examining states' human rights commitment

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the most important human rights conventions of the United Nations together form a broad-based regulatory framework for international human rights protection. One of the strengths of this frame of reference is its universality: human rights are valid worldwide. The majority of states have ratified the most important human rights conventions. Nevertheless, many states do not adhere to their obligations.

For this reason, the UN has set up a number of monitoring mechanisms. In the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of the UN Human Rights Council, the UN member states are obliged to report regularly on their current domestic human rights situation. Through the UPR, civil society now has a voice at the international level and can reach the general public. The SDC supports these efforts. For example, it has enabled Pakistani journalists to express their positions on the Pakistani government's state report. In Afghanistan, it supports the justice ministry in implementing the UN's recommendations.

Current projects

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UKR East Europe Foundation (EEF) – Building capacity of local CSOs to provide protection services to women and minorities (Capable and Resistant III)

01.01.2025 - 30.04.2027

Starting from 2022, Switzerland and East Europe Foundation (EEF) have supported around 40 projects of local humanitarian organizations in implementing protection activities to individuals affected by the war, while at the same time strengthening the organization’s capacities. Under Phase 2, SDC and EEF will support up to 35 additional projects to reach more beneficiaries and continue building the capacities of these NGOs to foster professionalism, principled action, and sustainability.

UNICEF Yemen, Thematic Contribution to Child Protection Programme

01.11.2024 - 31.12.2025

Through this thematic multi-year contribution, SDC provides flexible funding to UNICEF’s Child Protection Pro-gramme in Yemen. This partnership integrates humanitarian and development efforts to strengthen child protec-tion systems, improve the quality of prevention and response services and promote positive behaviour change within communities. Ultimately, this initiative aims to create a safer and more protective environment for children and adolescents in Yemen.

Kenya: Empowering refugees and host communities in Dadaab through market-led solutions (EMPOWER)

01.07.2024 - 30.06.2028

The project envisages to unlock the potential of displacement-affected communities (DACs) by providing access to capital, skills development, market opportunities and entrepreneur-friendly policies. The project aims to deliver on long-term economic growth, self-reliance and decreased dependency of DACs on aid. This sustainable approach offers a pathway out of poverty and towards thriving entrepreneurial livelihoods in Kenya.

Soutien au programme d’INSO au Tchad

01.06.2024 - 31.05.2026

L’environnement opérationnel étant de plus en plus complexe pour les ONG humanitaires et de développement au Tchad pour des raisons sécuritaires, la DDC soutient l'ouverture d'un bureau d'International NGO Safety Organisation (INSO) afin de fournir une gamme de services essentiels sur les aspects sécuritaires et d’accès, aux ONG internationales et nationales, leur permettant de remplir leurs mandats auprès des populations de l’Est, du Bassin du Lac Tchad et du Sud.

UNICEF – Safeguarding children’s rights in East Jerusalem

01.05.2024 - 31.12.2027

Switzerland’s closing phase will support a comprehensive child rights and child protection programme in East Jerusalem, to keep children and their families safe from conflict-related violence while reducing their vulnerability through specialized services. Therewith, children and their families can benefit from the provision of education and health services in a safe environment. This support is in line with Switzerland’s engagement for the respect of child rights and international law.

Contribution to the Trust Fund for the Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar (IIMM)

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2026

By contributing to the Trust Fund of the IIMM for the second phase, Switzerland will continue to support the collection of evidence on international law abuses and crimes in Myanmar. This support will allow the Mechanism to strengthen accountability for human rights which is otherwise impossible from within the country and in support of eventual justice being delivered. This support fits and complements well the Swiss cooperation programme 2024-27. 

Strategic Partnership with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2027

Promoting respect for human rights is a Swiss foreign policy goal and a pillar of its international cooperation, as the denial of human rights is one of the main factors of poverty. With a multi-year contribution to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, which supports civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, SDC, complementary to the Peace and Human Rights Division, contributes to mainstreaming human rights in sustainable development activities.

Contribution to Medicus Mundi Switzerland (MMS) Network

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2027

Medicus Mundi Switzerland is a Network of 49 Swiss non-governmental organisations, foundations and scientific institutions involved in health advocacy at global level and health programmes in lowand middle-income countries. Taking a multisectoral approach and fostering open dialogue with relevant actors, decision-makers and the broader public, the Network facilitates the exchange of knowledge and experience and contributes to finding solutions to global health challenges.

Burundi – Programme conjoint sur les droits humains

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2027

La situation des droits de l’homme au Burundi reste préoccupante en raison de la persistance des violations des droits de l’homme et de l'absence d'obligation de rendre des comptes. Le Programme conjoint sur les droits humains est une initiative multipartite (Gouvernement et bailleurs de fonds) qui vise à promouvoir l’application du cadre légal en matière de droits de l’homme par des institutions crédibles et efficaces.

WHO - Right to Health (Exit Phase)

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2026

In this final phase of contribution, Switzerland supports the World Health Organization (WHO) to institutionalize the Right to Health (RtH) for Palestinians in the areas of capacity building for duty bearers and right holders, evidence creation for policy reform, accountability and policy dialogue. Switzerland’s support for the right to health is embedded in its engagement for international and human rights law in the occupied Palestinian territory.

North Africa Cultural Program (NACP)

01.11.2023 - 31.10.2027

By developing a Regional Cultural Program, Switzerland seeks to facilitate intercultural dialogue and exchange as a foundation for peace and conflict sensitive development in North Africa and to foster artistic expression as a driver of change in support to the challenges of transition. This will promote peaceful coexistence, political stability and social cohesion in the region, hence providing alternatives for the fulfillment of North African youth in their own societies.

Human Rights Grants (HRG) program in Tajikistan

01.10.2023 - 30.11.2025

The Human Rights grants program will support local and international organizations working in Tajikistan on acute Human Rights issues. The program will provide cofunding opportunities to selected projects related to child rights, freedom of press, human rights in custody, prevention of gender-based violence and the rights of migrants/refugees.

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