Protecting and promoting the rights of the poorest

Rule of law is based on an independent judiciary, the equality of all citizens before the law, the priority of the constitution and respect for human rights at civic and political level.

SDC focus

On the ground, the SDC encourages governance in countries of the East and South so as to improve the social, political, economic and environmental conditions of their citizens. Empowerment – the emancipation of individuals and of poor and extremely poor groups – and the encouragement of equal participation by women and men rank high among its concerns.

In conflict or post-conflict situations, the SDC supports national human rights institutions in order to protect refugees and internally displaced persons. In Afghanistan, Nepal and Colombia for instance the SDC also cooperates closely with multilateral organizations like the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights or the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.


Rule of law requires the existence of a consistent, binding legal framework for the work of government authorities. This also entails the application of immutable rules for peaceful coexistence in society, as well as respecting the dignity and rights of the individual, including the poorest and socially most marginalized.

That is why international cooperation makes every effort to foster access to justice and to promote rule of law, supporting reform of the judiciary, police and institutions responsible for penal enforcement. In addition, it cooperates with national human rights committees and NGOs to protect and nurture the rights of the individual and of poor and disadvantaged groups.


Voices of the poor
Study of the World Bank collecting the voices of more than 60,000 poor women and men from 60 countries, in an unprecedented effort to understand poverty from the perspective of the poor themselves.

Current projects

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OCHA Core Contribution 2024-2025

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2025

Switzerland’s objective is to support the United Nations (UN) Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) with high-quality funding while advocating for new, more inclusive and forward-looking ways of working to enable an efficient and effective humanitarian response to people in need in accordance with humanitarian principles and international humanitarian law. OCHA is a priority organization for Switzerland.

Multi-Donor civil society support programme in Rwanda

01.01.2016 - 31.08.2019

The program aims at strengthening the capacity of Rwanda civil society to engage constructively on policy, planning and monitoring issues in order to contribute to improved development results and to promote social cohesion, good governance and human rights. It strengthens dialogue and accountability platforms between civil society and Rwandan authorities, including at local level, in conformity with Rwanda’s objectives of accountable governance.

Reforming civil society organisations in Moldova

Women and men assembled in a room

01.12.2015 - 31.12.2021

The Engaging Citizens and Empowering Communities project aims to strengthen civil society organisations by enabling them to play a crucial role in promoting and safeguarding the rights and interests of vulnerable and marginalised people in Moldova.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Human rights
Rule of Law - Democracy - Human rights
Democratic participation and civil society
Human rights (incl. Women's rights)

01.12.2015 - 31.12.2021

CHF  3’150’000

HPSS – Health Promotion and System Strengthening Project in Dodoma, Morogoro and Shinyanga Regions

01.08.2015 - 31.10.2019

The Health Promotion and System Strengthening project (HPSS) is improving access to and the quality of health services both in terms of the demand (health promotion, health insurance) and the supply side (drug procurement; health technology maintenance). After a successful pilot phase in the Dodoma region, the Tanzanian government is requesting the SDC to expand this approach to two other regions with a focus on those most at risk (the poor, women, children, youth and the elderly).

Anti-Corruption Support

01.05.2015 - 31.03.2023

This intervention aims at fostering an institutional and social environment that is increasingly adverse to corruption. Support to reform-oriented “duty bearers” – by strengthening the technical and procedural capacities of the Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB) - will be combined with activities enhancing collective action by supporting the private sector for a more transparent business environment and a multi-media campaign inspiring behaviour change of citizens (“right holders”) to strengthen integrity.

Partenariats pour l’exercice d’une gouvernance appropriée

01.01.2015 - 31.03.2019

Tirant les leçons de la crise de 2012-2013, le Mali veut se reconstruire à partir de ses régions en valorisant les diversités géographiques et sociales dans un pays uni. Dans cette démarche, la Suisse soutient les Conseils régionaux de Tombouctou et Mopti pour promouvoir l’économie des territoires d’une part et, d’autre part,  pour renforcer la société civile et les autorités traditionnelles en matière de redevabilité et de transparence. Ce programme est une mise à l’échelle des acquis du portefeuille gestion publique locale de la DDC à Sikasso. 

Programme d’Appui aux Collectivités Territoriales (PACT)

01.06.2014 - 30.06.2021

Les élections municipales de juillet 2004 ont scellé l'irréversibilité du processus de décentralisation au Niger. Malgré cette décision souveraine, les transferts de compétences et de ressources aux Collectivités Territoriales restent modestes, sans grands effets sur l'évolution de la gouvernance locale. Pour dynamiser cette réforme prioritaire, le PACT entend contribuer au développement d’une gouvernance locale fondée sur la participation citoyenne, l'accès équitable des populations aux services publics locaux et à la redistribution inclusive des richesses.

Programme Redevabilité

01.04.2014 - 31.12.2020

Le Programme Redevabilité vise à créer un environnement où les organisations de la société civile, les citoyens et les médias interagissent avec les pouvoirs publics pour offrir de meilleurs services de base aux populations. Son approche consiste à renforcer à la fois la demande et l’offre de la redevabilité au niveau local et national dans une démarche de complémentarité avec les programmes DDC et les initiatives des autres partenaires techniques et financiers.

Institutional Support to Network of Associations of Local Authorities in South East Europe (NALAS)

01.07.2013 - 31.12.2027

With an institutional support to the Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South – East Europe (NALAS), SDC supports the decentralization and democratization processes as well as stability in South East Europe (SEE). NALAS strengthens national associations of local governments and fosters communication and cooperation among them. Through its advocacy activities, NALAS will support local governments in SEE to become more visible and taken into account, both by national governments and European institutions.

Programme de Développement des Infrastructures Économiques et Marchandes au Bénin (P-DIEM)

01.01.2012 - 31.12.2018

Les potentialités économiques agricoles du Nord-est du Bénin restent limitées, entre autre en raison d’un faible aménagement des infrastructures économiques locales. Ce programme vise à améliorer cette situation par le renforcement des acteurs locaux publics et privés dans la construction et la gestion durable des infrastructures économiques rentables. Le programme met à disposition les ressources pour le cofinancement de deux marchés locaux intercommunaux et plusieurs infrastructures économiques communales.

Accessible health insurance for all

Enrolment in the health insurance system in the Dodoma region in Tanzania

01.02.2010 - 31.03.2016

The SDC has been involved in improving the level of health in Tanzania since the 1960s. The establishment of a community health fund has been one of the most determining factors in this process, alongside access to better quality care and taking into account the genuine needs of the Tanzanian people. This health insurance system has been designed to also benefit the most disadvantaged individuals.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Rule of Law - Democracy - Human rights
Health systems strengthening
Primary health care

01.02.2010 - 31.03.2016

CHF  11’191’000

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