Scaling up improved sanitation - Sanitation and Hygiene Fund (SHF)

The Geneva based UN Sanitation and Hygiene Fund (SHF) raises, catalyzes and invests resources to accelerate delivery of sustainable sanitation, hygiene and menstrual health and hygiene services, especially for women and girls in least developed countries with the highest burden and lowest ability to respond. This SDC contribution to the multi-donor SHF supports 6 African countries in implementing their national sanitation plans to achieve SDG 6.2. for millions of poor people also contributing to the SDGs in health, nutrition, education, gender equity, economic growth and climate resilience.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Water sanitation
Women’s equality organisations and institutions
Public sector policy
01.01.2023 - 31.12.2026
CHF  16’000’000

Investments in sanitation, hygiene and menstrual health are of key importance for the achievement of the SDGs. The primary sector is sanitation and hygiene (SDG 6.2) with strong inputs to health, nutrition, education, gender equity, economic growth and climate resilience. Safe, secure and sustainably managed sanitation, handwashing and menstrual hygiene facilities keep children, particularly girls, in school, people in jobs, and communities- and economies – healthy and thriving. 

Donor support for investments in sanitation, hygiene and menstrual health often followed a classical programm logic which - as many evaluations show – have often not realised the sustainibility originally planned. The multi-donor UN Sanitation and Hygiene Fund (SHF) operates in a new, catalytical and sustainable way. 

Objectives By 2030 achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and end open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations. 
Target groups SHF recognizes that massive inequalities exist between those who have access to sanitation, hygiene and MHH and those who do not, and that marginalized and vulnerable populations, women and girls are disproportionately affected.
The Fund targets countries and populations that have a high sanitation and hygiene burden, yet the least ability to respond.
The Fund invests in reducing these inequalities for the vulnerable population groups most left behind and marginalized, women and girls. In early 2022, SHF started engagement with governments and sector partners in Benin, Burkina Faso, Kenya, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Uganda.
Medium-term outcomes

SHF key outcomes include:

  • accelerated service delivery to households (7.7m people), schools (0.5m people) and health care facilities (5.7m people);
  • innovation towards safely managed sanitation, hygiene and Menstrual Health with approx.. 295 business and increased investment and a robust project pipeline (reaching 2.2m people);
  • robust sector systems and investor confidence;
  • national data platforms.

Expected results:  

  • Transparency and alignment of country led priorities that is inclusive
  • Bankable projects matched to new investors
  • Finance, budget and systems reforms prioritized in at least 6 countries
  • Strengthened national data systems in at least 6 countries

Results from previous phases:  

SDC supported in phase 2 the predecessor organization of SHF, the multi-donor Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) and in phase 3 (a bridging phase, May 2021 to August 2022) its transformation to the SHF with a new structure and operating model. WSSCC enabled 12.5m people living in open defecation free environments, 9m people having access to an improved sanitation facility, and 14m people having access to a handwashing facility. The SHF bridging funding contributed to the:

  • operationalization and staffing within UNOPS;
  • setting up of the SHF governance Board;
  • preparation of a well targeted Strategy 2022- 2025, catalytic funding model, cost benefit analysis and results framework; and
  • the establishment and operationalization of processes, structures, procedures and systems for accountable management and operations and an approved country fund portfolio (6 countries in Africa).

Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
Project partners Contract partner
United Nations Organization (UNO)

Coordination with other projects and actors UN Water (SHF being part of the UN family) UNICEF and WHO, Sanitation and Water for All and the Toilet Board coalition, World Bank
Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    16’000’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    8’000’000
Project phases Phase 4 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2026   (Current phase) Phase 3 01.05.2021 - 28.02.2023   (Completed) Phase 2 01.01.2018 - 31.12.2021   (Completed) Phase 1 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2017   (Completed)