OCHA / UNDP, Sudan Humanitarian Fund (SHF) 2016

Projet terminé

The Sudan Humanitarian Fund (SHF) is a pooled fund which allows responding to unexpected emergencies in a coordinated and effective way in Sudan. In 2016 alone the SHF was capable to provide funds to partners to alleviate the suffering of hundreds of thousands of new refuges, new IDPs and other new victims, due to conflicts, natural disasters and health hazards. The SHF is a unique instrument whose Advisory Board offers to the SDC – actually the smallest SHF donor in terms of financial contributions - the platform to advocate for victims in need of assistance and protection as well as humanitarian policy.

Pays/région Thème Période Budget
Aide humanitaire & RRC
Assistance matérielle
Protection, accès & sécurité
Secteur non spécifié
Efficacité humanitaire
22.11.2016 - 31.12.2017
CHF  1’000’000
Contexte Year by year Sudan is the theatre of new humanitarian crisis. In 2016 renewed clashes in Darfur’s Jebel Marra have caused the displacement of additional 160’000 persons, over 90’000 new refugees have arrived from South Sudan, 400’000 farmers have been affected by El Nino, more than 200’000 persons have lost assets by floods and these days over 100 people have died by the so-called Acute Water Diarrhoea (AWD). This in addition to the 15% of the over 38 million population of Sudan who are since longer time in need of assistance and protection.
Objectifs The provision of timely, coordinated, principled assistance to save lives, alleviate suffering and maintain human dignity.
Groupes cibles The potential target group is determined by the HRP 2016 which is focussing on 4.6 million persons in need of assistance and protections across Sudan.
Effets à moyen terme
  • Improved humanitarian response
  • Strengthened humanitarian leadership
  • Better coordination and resource mobilization

Principaux résultats attendus:  

  • Fund strategies defined for each allocation window
  • Active coaching and support to NGOs
  • The Advisory Board fulfils its functions in relation to strategic guidance, risk management and operational overview

Principaux résultats antérieurs:   In 2015 about 65% of the total SHF funding of USD 53.6 million went to Darfur, affected by conflict and displacement; after all another 10% went to South Kordofan, another state affected by armed conflict.

Direction/office fédéral responsable DDC
Crédit Aide humanitaire
Partenaire de projet Partenaire contractuel
Organisme des Nations Unies (ONU)
  • Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement

Autres partenaires
UK, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands and Ireland are the seven other donors apart of Switzerland.
Coordination avec d'autres projets et acteurs Wide synergies are possible with other SDC funded projects and contributing donors. In addition, SDC is member of the Advisory Board of the SHF to advocate for specific Swiss concerns.
Budget Phase en cours Budget de la Suisse CHF    1’000’000 Budget suisse déjà attribué CHF    1’000’000
Phases du projet Phase 8 01.01.2024 - 31.12.2024   (Completed) Phase 7 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2023   (Completed) Phase 6 01.04.2022 - 31.12.2022   (Completed)

Phase 3 22.11.2016 - 31.12.2017   (Completed)

Phase 2 15.03.2015 - 31.12.2015   (Completed) Phase 1 17.04.2014 - 31.12.2014   (Completed)