Labour Migration governance for development and integration in Africa

An effective labour migration governance is an important element of regional economic integration and development. Switzerland has a longstanding expertise in labour migration at the global and regional level and an interest in furthering economic development on the African continent. Through this programme, Switzerland partners with the Africa Union towards the establishment of a permanent coherent mechanism to manage the migration of African migrant workers, thereby contributing to the creation of socio-economic perspectives on the African continent.

Pays/région Thème Période Budget
Travailleurs migrants
Migration en général (développement et partenariats)
01.10.2019 - 31.12.2025
CHF  8’760’000
Contexte The biggest driver of migration is the search for jobs. Most labour migrants from Sub-Sahara African countries remain on the continent. At 63%, Sub-Sahara Africa has the second highest level of intraregional migration of any world region, after Europe. Migrant workers on the continent are often found in settings characterized by low incomes and wages, lack of social protection, precarious jobs and workplaces and difficult working conditions. Yet, intra-African migration and its economic dimensions have received little attention in the past, and an effective labour migration governance in line with the needs of regional and national labour markets is not yet in place. The pace of African migration is expected to further intensify, not only because of the fast growing young workforce but also due to the disparities in economic growth between countries. There is a political momentum – in the form of the Joint Labour Migration Programme (JLMP) – to engage with the African Union (AU) and the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) in the field of labour migration. Supporting the JLMP will position Switzerland as a pioneer and trusted partner of the AU and its Member States in the process of African integration. Better labour migration governance is essential to promote regional integration and sustainable economic development in Africa. 
Objectifs More effective governance and regulation of labour migration and mobility for enhanced sustainable development, inclusive economic growth and regional integration of the African Continent. 
Groupes cibles

The final beneficiaries of the JLMP are female and male migrant workers and their family members on the African continent.


Other target groups of the JLMP include:

·       8 Regional Economic Communities (REC), especially ECCAS and COMESA

·       AU Member States, especially Morocco, Ethiopia, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire and Malawi  (ministries responsible for labour and social affairs, migration authorities, ministries of foreign affairs and consular offices, national statistics offices, labour market institutions, social security institutions, National Institutions responsible for labour migration)

·       Workers and employers organizations

·       Private sector including the recruitment industry

-        Civil society organizations such as migrant associations and diaspora         organizations

Effets à moyen terme

·       Outcome 1: Strengthened effective governance and regulation of labour migration and mobility in Africa for women and men migrant workers

·       Outcome 2: Women and men migrant workers in both the formal and informal sectors enjoy safe and secure working environments, access to social protection and mutual recognition of skills and educational levels

·       Outcome 3: Increased utilization of labour migration disaggregated data and statistics by Member States (MS) and Regional Economic Communities (RECs) for evidenced based decision-making, policy planning, formulation and application

-        Outcome 4: Strengthened coordination and leadership capacities of the AUC to implement the JLMP.


Principaux résultats attendus:  

1.1: Increased adoption/implementation of coherent rights-based and gender-responsive policies and regulatory frameworks for labour migration developed at national and regional level

1.2: Increased capacity of labour institutions, social partners and civil society to better contribute to better contribute to labour migration governance, policy and administration

1.3: Increased tripartite discourse, cooperation, and coordination on labour migration

2.1: Increased opportunities for women and men migrant workers in both formal and informal sectors to obtain decent and productive work in conditions of freedom, equity, security, and human dignity

2.2: Improved access to social protection for women and men migrant workers and their families

2.3: Increased availability of in-demand skills and competencies with considerations for mutual recognition of skills and qualifications at selected Member States and RECs

3.1: Improved Member states’ capacity to produce and disseminate accurate and disaggregated labour migration data and statistics

4.1: Improved institutional capacity to steer, coordinate and implement the JLMP

4.2: Improved monitoring, evaluation, learning and reporting of the JLMP.

Principaux résultats antérieurs:   The revised JLMP strategic framework 2020 - 2030 was launched in December 2020 after thorough consultation with major stakeholders on the continent. This new framework is a joint endeavour of the African Union Commission (AUC) and SDC during the entry phase. The fact that SDC together with the AUC managed to gather all stakeholders around this long-term and visionary strategic and M&E framework with clear objectives and indicators is a main achievement and an important starting point for the Swiss partnership with AUC. Through the experience of this inception phase, Switzerland was able to influence the strategic orientation of the JLMP for the next ten years

Direction/office fédéral responsable DDC
Crédit Coopération au développement
Partenaire de projet Partenaire contractuel
Secteur privé
Institution étatique étrangère
Organisme des Nations Unies (ONU)
  • Organisation internationale du travail
  • Organisation internationale des migrations
  • Secteur privé suisse

Coordination avec d'autres projets et acteurs

Swiss programs:

·       GPMD programs at the global level: FAIR, ILO, 7F- 09197.02.01, IRIS, International Recruitment Integrity System, IOM, 7F-09197.02.02, FAIRWAY Global, ILO, 7F-10304, Making Migration Work for Sustainable Development, IOM, 7F-07838.03.

·       GPMD programs at the regional level in Africa: In the Horn of Africa: IGAD, 7F-09083.02, In West Africa: Migration de travail et développement économique en Afrique de l'Ouest, 7F-10398.01

·       Programmes bilatéraux et régionaux de la DDC (PROFOR, NARIMEY, PAPEA).

Other donors’ engagement: SIDA and GIZ support to the JLMP

Budget Phase en cours Budget de la Suisse CHF    8’760’000 Budget suisse déjà attribué CHF    3’309’555
Phases du projet Phase 1 01.10.2019 - 31.12.2025   (Phase en cours)