Implementation of Operational Concept 2017-2020 on Cash Transfer Programming (CTP)

Projet terminé

With this Credit Proposal, SDC/HA would like to sustain its engagement on cash transfer programming (CTP) as an operational actor and a donor. Due to its own extensive experience and added-value in the use of cash, SDC/HA is a credible actor in today’s global discussions and dialogue on CTP. It is important to harness that position and to continue to support the cash-based transfer modality both within the organization and in the humanitarian system. The Credit Proposal is for the implementation of SDC/HA’s Operational Concept on CTP 2017-2020.

Pays/région Thème Période Budget
Monde entier
Aide humanitaire & RRC
Efficacité humanitaire
01.01.2017 - 31.12.2020
CHF  600’000

During the last ten years, evidence has proven that CTP represents an effective and efficient tool to support affected populations in a way that can maintain dignity and choice for beneficiaries while stimulating local economies and markets. CTP is arguably the biggest innovation in humanitarian assistance in decades.

There has been a recent shift from the “why not cash?”, as its potential as now been broadly recognized by the international system, to the “how to do it?” more effectively and at scale (cash and vouchers account for only 7 percent of deliveries of humanitarian assistance in early 2017). This shift already represents a huge development in the practice and the actors involved have been key in improving capacity, evidence, awareness and collaboration around CTP.

However, there remain efforts to be made. This includes addressing the disrupting effect cash transfers, which are cross-sectoral by nature, have in the way the current humanitarian system is set up. To ensure CTP becomes fully automated within organizations and in the system, support by SDC/HA for the coming period remains key.

Objectifs The overall goal of the operational concept is to continue to promote the use of CTP within SDC and the wider humanitarian system, and to help ensure all remaining bottlenecks are being tackled for cash at scale in humanitarian assistance to become a reality by 2020.
Groupes cibles
  1. SDC/HA Divisions and Desk Officers;
  2. Swiss Cooperation Offices;
  3. SHA experts;
  4. SDC Regional Cooperation, Cooperation with Eastern Europe and Global Programmes;
  5. CTP partners (e.g. ICRC/IFRC and the national societies, WFP, UNHCR, NGOs);
  6. Cash Learning Partnership (CaLP);
  7. Donors and other partners.
Effets à moyen terme

Priority/Outcome 1: Cash is systematically included as a response option by SDC/HA in its direct actions and by its partners.

Priority/Outcome 2: Predictable solutions for the coordination models/solutions for the delivery of cash have been established.

Priority/Outcome 3: SDC/HA and its partners are prepared to use of cash in emergencies and consider using existing social protection programmes when possible, and supporting the shock-responsiveness of emerging ones. This includes the support to localization and to partners like the RC/RC Movement which focuses on strengthening the capacity of the National Societies.


Principaux résultats attendus:  

  • Partners supported in CTP priority areas.
  • Pool is strengthened and adapted to support priority areas.
  • SDC/HA is integrated in key consultations & working groups.
  • SDC/HA takes an active enabler/facilitator role to advance the CTP agenda.
  • CTP is well anchored in SDC/HA and has external reach.

Principaux résultats antérieurs:  

The first credits dedicated to cash at the SDC/HA HQ covered the five following periods:

  • 2007-2008, 2009-2011 (March), 2011-2012, 2013, 2014, 2015-2016. 

This Credit Proposal is the continuation of the previous phase where many tasks have been achieved such as support for:

  • SDC/HA direct actions using cash (29 of them occurred since 1998).
  • Secondments to partners (52 since 2008).
  • The creation of the cash expert pool (strong of 139 experts).
  • Capacity building within the pool and SDC/HA (courses, trainings, internal events).
  • Establishment of dedicated resources at HQ (Programme Officer and Institutional Focal Point) and development of the concepts.
  • Specific support to Swiss partners (e.g. Swiss NGOs).
  • Sustained engagement in the major global discussions around cash (through key processes, the CaLP, and with key constituencies).
  • Advocacy towards different actors (e.g. parliamentarians).
  • Undertaking specific pieces of research (e.g. social protection, localization).

Direction/office fédéral responsable DDC
Crédit Aide humanitaire
Partenaire de projet Partenaire contractuel
  • Oevre suisse d’entraide ouvrière

Coordination avec d'autres projets et acteurs Collaboration will be sustained with the target groups mentioned above as cross-cutting involvement with them is key to the implementation of the cash operational concept, which this Credit Proposal aims to support.
Budget Phase en cours Budget de la Suisse CHF    600’000 Budget suisse déjà attribué CHF    306’951 Projet total depuis la première phase Budget de la Suisse CHF   650’000
Phases du projet

Phase 5 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2020   (Completed)

Phase 3 01.01.2014 - 31.12.2014   (Completed) Phase 1 01.01.2011 - 31.12.2012   (Completed)