Water Management and Livelihoods for Underserved Communities in Jordan

Progetto concluso

Jordan has attempted to implement water and agricultural management systems and policies in urban areas to face the challenge of limited natural resources. In Zubarieya Village, the community has created an environment where they manage their own ecosystems through a community-based approach. This project will focus on improving and maintaining the water supply system, and support local governance system to ensure proper water management and agriculture systems, protect groundwater and soil, and facilitate sustainable livelihoods.

Paese/Regione Tema Periodo Budget
Agricoltura e sicurezza alimentare
Conservazione delle risorse idriche
Approvvigionamento idrico
Risorse idriche in agricoltura
01.04.2022 - 31.05.2024
CHF  914’017

Climate change has exacerbated the already extreme water scarcity in Jordan. Falling precipitation levels mean less water to meet human and ecosystem needs and uses.

Drinking water and water for agriculture continue to be interlinked and play an imperative role in resilience and sustainable livelihoods and in rural villages. Without the adoption of efficient water supply system and best conservation and agricultural practices, communities will be at higher risk of water shortage, floods, soil erosion and ability to sustain their livelihoods. Integrated water management to improve water use efficiency for domestic and agriculture purposes is an important approach the SDC and other actors promote to ensure authorities, communities and the private sector are engaged on climate-proofing water resource management activities that address increased livelihoods risk, while maximizing aquifer recharge and improving agricultural outputs.

Obiettivi Local communities efficiently manage natural resources to sustain their water resources and strengthen rural livelihoods while adapting climate change challenges.
Gruppi target


-    The entire community, encompassing around 1,400 individuals will benefit for the improved the water system;

-    50 smallholder farmers and 50 food producers, in addition to 240 youth that will access the youth hubs;

-    3 CBOs 


-    21 staff members from the supported CBOs will indirectly have increased awareness and skills to continue with LEAD’s initiatives.

Effetti a medio termine

1)    Local Community in Zubarieya has efficiently managed the water system by improving the water infrastructure towards climate resilience and build the capacity of existing community based water governance.

2)    Local community in Zubarieya have sustainable livelihoods by working with smallholder farmers to adopt best climateresilient agricultural and water practices, and access better irrigation systems through training and mentoring.

3)    People in Zubarieya who do water- dependent jobs (smallholder farmers and food producers) have increased technical capacity and resources to access business opportunities, financial markets and digital marketing services.


Risultati principali attesi:  

1.1)    Al-Zubarieya local community has climate-proof infrastructure and decarbonize its water system.

1.2)    Community-based organizations (CBOs) have the capacity to provide efficient water system management covering financial and operational aspects.

2.1)    Smallholder farmers in Al-Zubarieya local community have improved capacities to implement cost-efficient and modern agricultural practices. 

2.2)    Smallholder farmers in Al-Zubarieya local community have improved capacity to implement and adopt permaculture practices.

3.1)    Al-Zubarieya CBOs are equipped (technology and capacity) to support local businesses (providing legal support and access to markets).

3.2)    Youth have increased access to income generation opportunities.

Direzione/Ufficio responsabile DSC
Partner del progetto Partner contrattuale
ONG internazionale o straniera
  • Other international or foreign NGO North

Altri partner
Mercy Corps
Coordinamento con altri progetti e attori

SDC and Mercy Corps will maintain collaborative working relationships with government agencies and authorities, private sector, local CBOs and community.

The chosen community-based water management approach is common to SDC’s interventions in Azraq town and camp in order to create ownership.

Budget Fase in corso Budget Svizzera CHF    914’017 Budget svizzero attualmente già speso CHF    824’017
Fasi del progetto

Fase 1 01.04.2022 - 31.05.2024   (Completed)