Prevenzione delle catastrofi, aiuto d’emergenza, ricostruzione e protezione

 Persone raccolgono l'acqua proveniente da una cisterna nel Sudan del Sud
Nel Sudan del Sud l'Aiuto umanitario ha costruito vari punti di approvvigionamento idrico per permettere alle comunità locali di accedere all'acqua potabile. © DSC

La prevenzione delle catastrofi, l’aiuto d’emergenza e la ricostruzione sono i tre campi di intervento dell’Aiuto umanitario della DSC. Questi tre ambiti corrispondono rispettivamente all’impegno prima, durante e dopo le crisi, i conflitti armati e le catastrofi.

Con prevenzione si intendono tutte le misure prese per proteggere la popolazione e le infrastrutture. La prevenzione dei pericoli e la riduzione della vulnerabilità contribuiscono allo sviluppo sostenibile e vengono perseguite in tutti i progetti e i programmi della DSC. Il primo compito dell’aiuto d’emergenza è salvare vite umane e alleviare le sofferenze delle vittime nei momenti più acuti di una crisi. Due terzi dei fondi dell’Aiuto umanitario della DSC sono destinati a questi interventi. Passata l’emergenza e quando la situazione si è ormai stabilizzata possono iniziare i lavori di ricostruzione e ripristino. In caso di conflitti che perdurano nel tempo, l’impegno su questi tre fronti può essere simultaneo. 

La protezione delle popolazioni rappresenta una delle quattro priorità tematiche dell’Aiuto umanitario della DSC insieme agli ambiti riduzione dei rischi di catastrofi, acqua potabile, igiene e servizi igienico-sanitari, violenza sessuale e di genere.

Prevenzione delle catastrofi

I disastri naturali colpiscono indistintamente i Paesi ricchi e quelli poveri, ma le loro ripercussioni variano a seconda del livello di sviluppo del Paese colpito.

Aiuto immediato e aiuto d'urgenza

L'aiuto d'urgenza della Confederazione, con gli esperti del Corpo svizzero di aiuto umanitario (CSA), viene impiegato in tutto il mondo in situazioni di crisi, conflitti e catastrofi.

Ricostruzione e riabilitazione

I programmi di ricostruzione e riabilitazione sono volti in generale a ristabilire condizioni di vita normali delle popolazioni colpite, aiutando queste ultime a superare i traumi delle guerre e delle calamità naturali e a migliorare a lungo termine la situazione abitativa, le infrastrutture e i redditi.


I conflitti armati e le catastrofi naturali espongono i sopravvissuti a rischi di violenza fisica o psichica.

Progetti attuali

Oggetto 1 – 12 di 157

SOM, SomReP Bridging Phase

01.10.2024 - 31.12.2025

SomReP aims to foster sustainable livelihoods and increase the resilience of (agro-) pastoralist communities to climate shocks across Somalia. By supporting vulnerable communities to better cope with ecological disasters SomRep makes an important contribution to mitigate key drivers of fragility in Somalia and thereby promotes Switzerland’s interest to strengthen stability and economic develop ment in the Horn of Africa region.

Nigeria, INSO, Improved protection of relief personnel and effectiveness of humanitarian action

15.09.2024 - 31.12.2026

The armed conflict in north-east Nigeria continues unabated, while the violence in the north-west has spiralled out of control, thus posing acute challenges to humanitarian aid. INSO enables humanitarian organisations to access safety services to improve their situational awareness and decision-making, and to strengthen their emergency preparedness and response. By supporting this initiative, SDC contributes to improved humanitarian access and effective assistance to conflict affected populations.   

People In Need (PIN) Improving access to protection for vulnerable conflict-affected persons in Ukraine

01.09.2024 - 31.08.2026

The intervention seeks to improve and enhance the resilience and self-reliance of communities affected by the conflict in Mykolaivska, Dnipropetrovska, and Kharkivska oblasts. SDC partner People In Need will ensure continuing access to quality protection and social services, enhance awareness among service providers, foster inclusive work environments, and provide economic support. The second phase of this project will build on achievements and lessons learned from the previous PIN intervention under SDC funding.

Enhanced Protection and Support to the Most Vulnerable Children, notably Refugee Children, in Lebanon

16.08.2024 - 15.08.2027

Children of all nationalities in Lebanon are affected by the country’s multifaceted crisis and collapse of public services. They face heightened risks of abuse, exploitation and violence, and of getting in contact or even in conflict with the law. Specific groups like refugee children are particularly at risk of seeing their rights violated. Through this project, NGOs and UNICEF will jointly enhance the protection of children from violence by providing them with crucial legal and protection services and by improving the child-friendliness of the justice system (nexus).

Programme de Protection et Promotion Sociale Réactive aux Chocs (PROMES)

01.08.2024 - 31.07.2027

PROMES vise à renforcer la résilience de la population vulnérable d’Haiti. Une contribution de la Suisse au Programme Alimentaire Mondial permet de déployer un filet de protection sociale déjà testé et développé conjointement avec les autorités locales dans un nouveau département. En appuyant une ONG locale, le programme va consolider les résultats de la phase 1 dans le Sud-Est. Au niveau local dans le Sud, PROMES permettra d’améliorer les capacités de relèvement financier rapide en cas de catastrophes.

Supporting principled and efficient NGO coordination and promoting youth employability through South Sudan NGO Forum

01.08.2024 - 31.07.2025

The project aims to facilitate NGO Forum to effectively support NGO Forum members in the principled delivery of aid assistance to save and improve lives in South Sudan through information sharing, coordination, advocacy and networking, capacity enhancement and representation on behalf of the forum members. The project will also support the NGO Forum to re-initiate internship program for fresh young South Sudanese graduates with NGO members of the Forum to gain work and professional experience with the aim to improve their employment prospects.

Zimbabwe El Nino Response 2024

01.08.2024 - 31.07.2025

Zimbabwe’s 2023/24 agricultural season was hit by a severe El Nino induced drought, leading to wide-spread food insecurity. This initiative contributes to life-saving assistance to meet emergency needs of families affected by the drought. With Switzerland’s contribution, World Vision aims to deliver targeted cash transfers and protection support to 13’100 households during the lean hunger season until the next harvest.

Assistance multisectorielle pour les populations affectées par les déplacements, Beni & Oicha, Nord Kivu

22.07.2024 - 31.07.2026

Les conflits armés à l’est de la RDC entrainent des déplacements récurrents de population, des violences sur les civils, la perte de moyens d’existence ainsi que des besoins humanitaires importants. Dans la continuité des deux phases antérieures, cette intervention vise à renforcer la résilience des populations affectées par les conflits par une intervention en sécurité alimentaire, moyens de subsistance et eau, hygiène et assainissement, dans 4 zones de santé du territoire de Beni, au Nord Kivu.

République démocratique du Congo (RDC): Transcultural Psychosocial Organisation (TPO) Protection des enfants et des femmes

15.07.2024 - 30.06.2026

Les conflits armés à l’est de la RDC continuent à engendrer des violations graves des droits de l’enfant et de la femme, y compris les violences basées sur le genre, le recrutement forcé et le manque d’accès à l’éducation. Par le biais de mécanismes et structures communautaires et de gouvernance locale, ce projet vise à identifier les principaux problématiques de protection, y apporter une assistance et contribuer à leur résolution.

Armenia: Early Recovery after Floods 2024 (Direct Action)

08.07.2024 - 31.12.2025

Heavy rainfall in May 2024 led to flooding in Northern Armenia, four casualties, temporary displacement of 2’400 persons and considerable damage on public and private infrastructure. A Rapid Response Team of Swiss Humanitarian Aid Unit (SHA) assessed structural engineering (bridges, roads) damages. Based on that assessment, the proposed SHA Direct Action supports early recovery efforts in Armenia with pedestrian bridges, an event analysis and engineering advice.

Projet Réponse d’urgence à base communautaire à la menace des engins explosifs dans les régions de Mopti et Tombouctou (PRUCEE-MT)

01.07.2024 - 31.08.2025

Avec le retrait de la Mission multidimensionnelle intégrée des Nations Unies (MINUSMA) pour la stabilisation au Mali et de l’agence de la lutte antimines (UNMAS), les populations de Mopti et Tombouctou sont sans protection contre les engins explosifs. La Suisse renforce ainsi son engagement humanitaire, en partenariat avec d’autres bailleurs internationaux, pour combler ce vide. Elle offre une réponse d’urgence à base communautaire pour protéger les populations civiles et gérer les victimes.

Oggetto 1 – 12 di 157