Past events (57)
#SwissBreakfast Swiss insights for the European Green Deal: How can Carbon Removal, Use and Storage help achieve net zero emissions?
Wednesday, 23.03.2022
Wednesday, 23.03.2022,
Climate change and environment; Technology
Technologies for Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) and Carbon Capture, Use and Storage (CCUS) will have an important role to play in reaching net zero emissions by 2050. However, much needs to be done to ensure the uptake of these technologies. What regulatory framework do we need? How can we increase commercial storage and set up transport systems? How to further the development of these technologies, and how to best manage the impact of their large scale implementation on societies?
Location: Online
EVENT CANCELLED - #SwissCoffeeDebate on "Fast and fair: How rapid procedures can increase protection for asylum seekers. The Swiss asylum reform, a year on"

Thursday, 12.03.2020
Thursday, 12.03.2020
Swiss policy on the European Union; Bilateral agreements Switzerland-EU; Other files Switzerland-EU
#SwissCoffeeDebate on "Fast and fair: How rapid procedures can increase protection for asylum seekers. The Swiss asylum reform, a year on", on Thursday, 12th March 2020.
Location: Mission of Switzerland to the EU, Place du Luxembourg 1, 1050 Brussels
RE:THINK SWITZERLAND: La littérature environnementale de la Suisse: écrire l'écologie
Monday, 24.02.2020
Monday, 24.02.2020
Événement organisé avec le soutien de la Mission Suisse auprès de l’Union Européenne dans le cadre du projet “ReThink: Switzerland” : Masterclass en écopoétique avec Claire Jaquier (Université de Neuchâtel) et Pierre Schoentjes (UGent), suivi par une recontre avec les écrivain.e.s suisses Jérôme Meizoz, Aude Seigne et Anne-Sophie Subilia
Location: Het Pand, Salle August Vermeylen, Onderbergen 1, Gand
Are we ready for more participatory democracy? Post-Brexit perspectives for the European Union and beyond.
Monday, 24.02.2020
Monday, 24.02.2020
Democracy; good governance; governance; political activity; political development; political process; political system; government; voting rights; civil society; consultation
With the renewed European Citizens’ Initiative and the Conference for the Future of Europe on track, participatory democracy is back in the spotlight across the European Union and beyond. The 2020 Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy will take place in Bern, Switzerland on 23-27 September 2020. In view of this conference, we would be pleased to invite you to an exchange about current European inputs and trends, options and limits.
Location: Mission of Switzerland to the European Union, Place du Luxembourg 1, 1050 Brussels
RE:THINK SWITZERLAND: Academic workshop on mountains and climate change,

Thursday, 23.01.2020
Thursday, 23.01.2020
Swiss policy on the European Union; Bilateral agreements Switzerland-EU; Other files Switzerland-EU
Academic workshop organised by Ghent University and the Embassy of Switzerland on mountains and climate change
Location: “Het Pand”, Onderbergen 1, 9000 Ghent
Academic Workshop: Switzerland and the European Union - A Strong Bilateral Partnership with Continental and Global Reach

Tuesday, 19.11.2019
Tuesday, 19.11.2019
Swiss policy on the European Union; Bilateral agreements Switzerland-EU; Other files Switzerland-EU
Academic workshop on the relations between Switzerland and the European Union (EU), with a keynote address of the Swiss State Secretary for European Affairs, H.E. Roberto Balzaretti.
Location: Ghent University, Het Pand, Onderbergen 1, Gent
#SwissBreakfast on "Would containers vote for rail? Lessons from the Swiss modal shift policy", 14th November 2019

Thursday, 14.11.2019
Thursday, 14.11.2019,
Swiss policy on the European Union; Bilateral agreements Switzerland-EU; Other files Switzerland-EU
#SwissBreakfast on "Would containers vote for rail? Lessons from the Swiss modal shift policy", 14th November 2019
Location: Mission of Switzerland to the EU
Projection privée du film "L’ordre divin"

Tuesday, 05.11.2019
Tuesday, 05.11.2019
Swiss policy on the European Union; Bilateral agreements Switzerland-EU; Other files Switzerland-EU
Projection privée du film "L’ordre divin" ("Die göttliche Ordnung") le 5 novembre 2019 à 19h00 à Flagey, Studio 5, Place Sainte-Croix, 1050 Ixelles
Location: Flagey, Studio 5, Place Sainte-Croix, 1050 Ixelles.
#SwissBreakfast on "Our Common Digital Future: Clash of Titans or Cooperative Interdependence?" 11th October 2019

Friday, 11.10.2019
Friday, 11.10.2019,
Swiss policy on the European Union; Bilateral agreements Switzerland-EU; Other files Switzerland-EU
H.E. Urs Bucher, Ambassador of Switzerland to the EU, cordially invites you to share a typical #SwissBreakfast and join the discussion on "Our Common Digital Future: Clash of Titans or Cooperative Interdependence?" on 11 October 2019 at the Mission of Switzerland to the EU, Place du Luxembourg 1, 1050 Brussels.
Location: Mission of Switzerland to the EU
Panel discussion on Agriculture in a changing climate: Future policies in Switzerland and the EU
Wednesday, 02.10.2019
Wednesday, 02.10.2019
Swiss policy on the European Union; Bilateral agreements Switzerland-EU; Other files Switzerland-EU
Panel discussion on Agriculture in a changing climate: Future policies in Switzerland and the EU on Wednesday, 2 October 2019 from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm
Location: Mission of Switzerland to the EU
« Engagée, autonome, solidaire : la politique extérieure suisse »: Conférence en collaboration avec l’Université catholique de Louvain avec la Secrétaire d’État aux affaires étrangères, Pascale Baeriswyl

Thursday, 09.05.2019
Thursday, 09.05.2019
Swiss policy on the European Union; Bilateral agreements Switzerland-EU; Other files Switzerland-EU; dea
« Engagée, autonome, solidaire : la politique extérieure suisse »: Conférence en collaboration avec l’Université catholique de Louvain avec la Secrétaire d’État aux affaires étrangères, Pascale Baeriswyl
Location: UCLouvain, Salle du Sénat académique, Halles universitaires (4ème étage)
Conférence en collaboration avec l’Université catholique de Louvain "Création de valeur partagée" avec Jean-Marc Duvoisin, Directeur général de Nespresso

Monday, 06.05.2019
Monday, 06.05.2019
Swiss policy on the European Union; Bilateral agreements Switzerland-EU; Other files Switzerland-EU; dea
Conférence avec Jean-Marc Duvoisin, Directeur général de Nespresso sur "Création de valeur partagée"
Location: UCLouvain, Salle du Sénat académique, Halles universitaires (3ème étage)
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Last update 24.01.2018