New Swiss ambassadors

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Bern, Press releases, 13.08.2014

There will be/have been some changes of personnel in the Swiss representations abroad and at the head office of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) in Bern. The appointments have been made on the basis of Federal Council decisions at the usual interval for the transfer of personnel. The appointments of heads of missions abroad will take effect as soon as the authorities of the host country have given their approval.

Mr Pascal Décosterd, currently general consul in Barcelona, has been appointed ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to the Republic of Ecuador. Mr Décosterd is to replace Ambassador Roland Fischerto whom  a new task will soon be assigned.
Mr Pierre de Cocatrix, currently director of the office of the secretary-general of the International Organisation of la Francophonie in Paris, has been appointed director of the Geneva Welcome Centre (CAGI) in Geneva. He has been accorded the title of ambassador.

Mr Paul Fivat, currently retired, has been appointed special envoy for the Geneva Conventions. The duration of this function, which he has fulfilled since 1 August 2014, is set until 30 November 2014, subject to extension. He has been accorded the title of ambassador.

Address for enquiries:

Information FDFA
+41 (0)58 462 31 53


The Federal Council
Federal Department of Foreign Affairs