Welcome to the website of the Swiss Embassy in Lebanon

Dear visitors of this website,
Feel free to browse through the Embassy’s website and discover our diverse areas of responsibility. Explore, for example, our Lebanon strategy in the Swiss Cooperation Programme for the Middle East (PDF, 32 Pages, 1.7 MB, English) in the International Cooperation sub-chapter and the Lebanon chapter of the MENA Strategy.
As you can see from the wealth of information on this page, the Embassy has a broad scope of work. One of its main tasks is to foster the excellent and multifaceted relations between Lebanon and Switzerland.
I am quite pleased that there is a lively exchange between Lebanese and Swiss, notably, because relations between states are based, first and foremost, on connections between people. Both our countries are united by shared characteristics as well as by the warm relationships between our nationals. The Embassy is here to support and promote these relations in the best interest of both countries.
Switzerland also has long-standing relations with Syria. While the Swiss Embassy in the capital Damascus was closed in 2012 for security reasons, Switzerland has been present again since December 2017 with an office for humanitarian activities. Through my appointment in 2022 as Chargée d'affaires for Syria, the Embassy in Beirut also assumed responsibility for Switzerland's diplomatic relations with Syria.
I hope that you will find all the information you need on this website. However, should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact the Embassy. We will be happy to assist you.
Dr Marion Weichelt