All three projects were successfully completed by June 2015. The initial objectives have been achieved and in some projects even surpassed.
Results in Malta

An overview of the results:

Training of diplomats in the Mediterranean area
Sixty students from North Africa and the Middle East received scholarships that enabled them to undertake and successfully complete a Master's degree at the Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies (MEDAC). They acquired knowledge in the areas of democracy, human rights and governance which they can apply in their home countries. Feedback from the students on the quality of the course has been very positive and the demand for places from the countries of these regions has continued to increase. Cooperation between Switzerland and Malta will continue after project completion.

Prevention and diagnosis of cancer
A positron emission tomography (PET scanner) was installed in Malta at the beginning of 2013 at the Mater Dei public hospital, providing the entire population with modern cancer diagnosis possibilities. This technology was previously only available in one private clinic, or people had to travel abroad for it. Neither of these options was possible for many patients for financial reasons. Three Maltese radiologists have enhanced their knowledge of the PET/CT scanner thanks to a transfer of knowledge and experience with the Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI), at the regional hospital of Bellinzona. This facility is now an important element in the Maltese healthcare system.
Project description (PDF, 2 Pages, 193.8 kB, English)