Peru, WFP: Strengthening the capacities of national institutions in disaster risk preparedness and response
The project aims to increase institutional resilience by strengthening the capacities of national and subnational entities responsible for disaster risk preparedness and response processes through the generation of knowledge, training, and the modernization of the information management system of National Institute of Civil Defense (INDECI), as well as the improvement of social communication strategies considering the population’s/ users’ needs. The project is a contribution to WFP's Strategic Country Plan in Peru 2018 - 2022 and the upcoming Strategic Country Plan 2023-2026 with INDECI as a main partner and hence is a is a direct response to Pillar 2 (Strengthening Partner’s Preparedness for Response) of SDC’s DRR & RR regional Program in Peru.
Country/region | Topic | Period | Budget |
Peru |
Climate change and environment Employment & economic development Governance
Disaster risk reduction DRR
Data and statistics Media & freedom of information |
- 19.10.2025 |
CHF 750’000
- World Food Programme
Sector according to the OECD Developement Assistance Commitiee categorisation DISASTER PREVENTION AND PREPAREDNESS
Sub-Sector according to the OECD Developement Assistance Commitiee categorisation Disaster prevention and preparedness
Statistics and data
Media and free flow of information
Cross-cutting topics The project also supports partner organisation improvements
Aid Type Project and programme contribution
Project number 7F10642
Background | Peru is one of the most disaster-prone countries in the world, with more than half of its population living in areas highly vulnerable to natural disasters. In Peru, disaster risk is addressed through the inter-institutional National Disaster Risk Management System (SINAGERD) where INDECI leads the preparedness, response and rehabilitation processes. At subnational level, regional and local governments are responsible for implementing Disaster Risk Management in their territory. The main information for preparedness and response is managed through virtual platforms, such as the National Information System for Response and Rehabilitation (SINPAD), the training platform Indeci@Educa and awareness platforms such as; however, these platforms show significant limitations such as slowness of the system, lack of capacity to manage multiple requests, network outages and limited storage capacity. Decision-making in emergency contexts requires efficient and integrated information management systems. The high turnover of officials, digitization of processes in response to COVID-19 and the outdated computer support make it urgent to update processes and systems in the frame of disaster risk management, as well as to promote new strategies for training officials and to raise the population’s awareness in Peru based on comprehensive diagnostics and learning courses. Learning experience shall be shared among the neighboring countries through WFP’s regional presence and through SDC’s network in the region (e.g. CAPRADE). |
Objectives | Strengthening the capacities of national entities for disaster risk preparedness and response through knowledge generation, training, and the modernization of information management systems. |
Target groups | Authorities and government officials (national and subnational levels) linked to SINAGERD. Indirect: Urban and rural women and men in Peru at risk of the occurrence of a disaster; and to a certain extent, neighboring Andean countries through knowledge sharing. |
Medium-term outcomes |
1) Improved coordination between INDECI, national and subnational institutions thanks to efficient management of information for a timely response to an emergency. 2) Improved capacities and skills of authorities and government professionals and urban and rural women and men regarding emergency preparedness and response in Peru and to a certain extend in the neighboring Andean countries. 3) National institutions and population improve their preparedness through access to relevant information, knowledge generation and management and dissemination of results. |
Results |
Expected results: 1) Updated National Information System for Response and Rehabilitation with a focus on sustainability. 2) INDECI has a new virtual training platform and new courses developed for officials and accessible to the population. 3) The Vulnerability Assessment and Emergency Preparedness Capacity Index nationally updated. Results from previous phases: - 5,610 public officials at national, regional and municipal level of government are annually trained in eight new courses offered by INDECI. - The diagnostics of the National Information System for Response and Rehabilitation finds: limited usability of graphical interface, low data storage capacity; high processing demand; and lack of high availability servers. |
Directorate/federal office responsible |
Project partners |
Contract partner International or foreign NGO United Nations Organization (UNO) Other partners Contribution to World Food Programme (WFP) as implementing partner. |
Coordination with other projects and actors |
Project SINAGERD (2020-2023) Strengthening of the Platform CAPRADE (2023-2026) Emergency Water Supply in Lima (2023-2029) |
Budget | Current phase Swiss budget CHF 750’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF 577’735 |
Project phases | Phase 1 20.10.2022 - 19.10.2025 (Current phase) |