Ignazio Cassis visits China to pursue strategic dialogue

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Press releases, 25.11.2021

On 27 November, Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis will meet with fellow foreign minister Wang Yi in Anji in the province of Zhejiang. Their discussions will focus on bilateral relations in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, recent international developments and human rights. The head of the FDFA will also present the Federal Council's China Strategy.

The meeting between Ignazio Cassis and Wang Yi is part of Switzerland's strategic dialogue with China, a ministerial-level dialogue established in 2017 to strengthen the two countries' relations. The annual meeting between foreign ministers is hosted alternately by Switzerland and China. It covers many areas of Swiss–China cooperation and allows for a direct and open exchange of views in all matters, including bilateral trade, human rights and multilateral cooperation. This is the first physical meeting between the two foreign ministers since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

At the meeting, Ignazio Cassis will present Switzerland's China Strategy, which the Federal Council adopted on 19 March. The strategy recognises China as an important partner for Switzerland's foreign policy and provides a framework for the many ties between the two countries. Switzerland wishes to engage in constructive dialogue with China and to use this dialogue to broach issues of major importance. The head of the FDFA and his counterpart will discuss various current international issues and respect for human rights.

Mr Cassis will use the meeting to highlight the importance of the two countries' economic relations and ties with respect to innovation, and the role that China plays in meeting global challenges, such as that of climate change.

Further information:

China Strategy 2021-24

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Federal Department of Foreign Affairs