Swiss Business Hub Southeast Asia + Pacific

The Swiss Business Hub Southeast Asia + Pacific (SBH SEA+P) is part of the Embassy of Switzerland in Jakarta, Indonesia, with offices in the Embassies and Consulates General of Switzerland in

  • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Singapore
  • Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

It supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from Switzerland and Liechtenstein in developing their business in Southeast Asia and Pacific, and provides companies from this region with information on Switzerland as a business location.

The Swiss Business Hub also represents Switzerland Global Enterprise (S-GE), the official Swiss agency for export and investment promotion. It has access to in depth market knowledge through a local network of experts in all sectors of the economy.

Export promotion

The Swiss Business Hub Southeast Asia + Pacific advises and supports SMEs from Switzerland and Liechtenstein wishing to explore and seize export opportunities in the Southeast Asia and Pacific region from these sectors:

  • Mechanical and electrical engineering solutions
  • Medtech & digital health
  • Finance & fintech
  • Alternative & renewable energy
  • Agritech & urban farming solutions and consumer products

In cooperation with its local partners, the Swiss Business Hub SEA+P offers a wide range of trade promotion services in addition to the basic services provided by all Swiss embassies:

  • Market analysis
  • Legal clarification
  • Business partner search
  • Business trips
  • Support in the target market
  • Trade fair presence

Swiss and Liechtenstein companies may access these services and offerings through Switzerland Global Enterprise, by contacting S-GE’s country consultants.

S-GE Services At A Glance

Switzerland as a business location for Southeast Asia + Pacific companies

The Swiss Business Hub Southeast Asia + Pacific is the first point of contact for the region’s companies interested in Switzerland as a business location. 

The Swiss Business Hub Southeast Asia + Pacific has a first-rate network of contacts both in the Southeast Asia and Pacific locations, and in Switzerland and provides support to most industries. Our specific areas of expertise include, but are not limited to biotech, medtech, consumer goods, food and beverages, machine building, cleantech and IT.  More information on location promotion by Switzerland Global Enterprise can be found here.