Disaster risk reduction, emergency relief and reconstruction

Reconstruction, Social, Economic and Civic Rehabilitation in the North

SDC and its partners contribute to concerted reconstruction, rehabilitation and development efforts aiming at reducing the vulnerability and improving the living conditions of returned war-affected civilians. A durable and integrated approach ensures permanent housing complemented with livelihood support and social infrastructure reconstruction.

All Swiss actors who are involved in supporting the programme in Sri Lanka, work together in a whole of government approach. This includes supporting the mainstreaming of the concept of labour migration by training of authorities and building the capacity of local government structures and civil society organizations. The inclusion of stakeholders of the North in the policy dialogue at national level is also promoted.

Return and durable rehabilitation

Swiss actors and their partners contribute to concerted relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts aimed at reducing suffering and at improving the living conditions of conflict-displaced civilians. Interventions will contribute to safe return and rehabilitation in line with international standards, and to enhancing the reacquisition of social and economic life perspectives. 
Durable rehabilitation -  To improve the  living conditions of the returned and returning population in the North and East  and enhance their livelihood perspectives and housing situation .

Action Lines

  • Owner driven housing programme to rebuild destroyed and partially damaged houses
  • Reconstruction of vital infrastructure such as wells, school and other community buildings
  • Assistance upon return in the form of livelihood enhancing interventions, namely in a cash approach
  • Strengthening community development for residents and returning IDPs / refugees

 People being provided with water from a tank in South Sudan

Emergency relief means saving lives, alleviating suffering, and ensuring survival. Damage is repaired as rapidly as possible, and additional emergency measures are taken to help the victims survive. The next step is to re-establish basic supplies and services and to support the afflicted population in the task of reconstruction.

The SDC's worldwide engagement