Threshold values and conditions for the direct award procedure
Alongside the legal framework for the awarding of mandates, the FDFA provides information on threshold values and on the various publication platforms. In addition, the FDFA highlights the conditions that apply to the direct procedure.
Threshold values for the three types of procedure: tender, invitation and direct award
Under the tender procedure, the FDFA publishes the mandate on the platform. All interested parties and suitable tenderers can submit an offer. The FDFA evaluates the offers using pre-defined, published criteria. The mandate is awarded to the most economically advantageous bid, which is published on SIMAP, the official electronic public procurement platform of the federal government, the cantons and communes.
Under the invitation procedure the FDFA decides which tenderers ae to be invited directly to submit offers. Wherever possible the FDFA must obtain three tenders.. The FDFA compares the offers and awards the mandate to the most advantageous bid.
Under the direct award procedure, the FDFA awards the mandate to a supplier directly. When reviewing the bid prior to making the award, the FDFA complies with the requirement to use public funds efficiently and economically.