Speeches and statements

As member of the UN, Switzerland takes an active part in important debates. Switzerland’s speeches and statements at the UN are compiled according to subject and the body they address, and are available in the original language version. With the menu item “select language” you will find (mostly unofficial) translations and more statements and speeches in other languages.

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Speeches and declarations (2259)

Object 1 – 12 of 2259

UN Security Council Briefing: Cooperation between the UN and regional and subregional organizations

Swiss representative to the UN; Pascale Baeriswyl

Statement delivered by Switzerland at the UN Security Council Briefing on the cooperation between the United Nations and regional and subregional organizations in maintaining international peace and security (African Union). 

UN Security Council Joint Press Stakeout: Climate, Peace and Security – Cooperation between the UN and regional and sub-regional organizations

Swiss representative to the UN; Joint Statement

Joint Press Stakeout on Climate, Peace and Security – Cooperation between the United Nations and regional and sub-regional organizations (AU) by members of the Joint Pledges on Climate, Peace and Security (France, Guyana, Japan, Malta, Mozambique, the Republic of Korea, Sierra Leone, Slovenia, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States of America) 

Object 1 – 12 of 2259