Handbook on accepting the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice

Publication year | 2014 |
Pages | 28 |
Price | 0.0 |
Languages | English |
(PDF, 28 Pages, 854.8 kB, English)
Guide pratique sur la reconnaissance de la compétence de la Cour internationale de justice
Практическое руководство по процедурам признания юрисдикции Международного Суда - Russian
Handbook on accepting the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice - Arabic
Manual sobre la aceptación de la jurisdicción de la Corte Internacional de Justicia - Spanish
关于接受 国际法院管辖权问题 的手册 - Chinese
Практическое руководство по процедурам признания юрисдикции Международного Суда - Russian
Handbook on accepting the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice - Arabic
Manual sobre la aceptación de la jurisdicción de la Corte Internacional de Justicia - Spanish
关于接受 国际法院管辖权问题 的手册 - Chinese
The handbook, created by Switzerland and six Partner States, emphasizes the benefits of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for the peaceful settlement of disputes and aims at facilitating the access to the ICJ for interested States. The handbook contains examples of declarations for accepting the jurisdiction of the ICJ that may be used and adapted by the States at their discretion.