Mercury is the only metal that is liquid at ambient temperature. It is very volatile and highly toxic to humans and animals when inhaled or ingested. The mercury poisoning of the inhabitants of Minamata (Japan) from the 1930s is a tragic example of the effects of mercury on human health (see information sheet). Today, almost 2,000 tonnes of mercury arising from human activities are emitted annually into the atmosphere. They are mainly generated by artisanal gold mining and coal- or lignite-fired power plants (see information sheet). This heavy metal is persistent and is dispersed throughout the world by atmospheric transport. Apart from contaminated sites, the mercury pollution detected today is often found in locations very far away from its original source.
Following an initiative by Switzerland (see information sheet), in 2009, the international community decided to establish an international agreement with the aim of reducing mercury emissions and releases at global level within the framework of the United Nations Environment Programme UNEP. The fifth and final session of negotiations will take place in Geneva from 13 to 18 January 2013. It is expected to conclude with the adoption of the new convention by the 147 states attending the session.
Reducing mercury emissions and releases globally
The draft convention regulates in particular:
- the supply of and trade in mercury;
- the use of mercury in products and industrial processes;
- the measures to be taken to reduce emissions from artisanal and small-scale gold mining;
- the measures to be taken to reduce emissions from power plants and metals production facilities;
- the storage and treatment of waste containing mercury and the management of contaminated sites;
- financial and technical support for the implementation of the convention;
- the resolution of disputes (see current draft available on the internet).
Agreement has almost been reached regarding artisanal gold mining (see information sheet) and waste management. A solution for the other areas will be negotiated on the basis of the available options.
Position of the Swiss delegation
In accordance with the mandate passed by the Federal Council on 9 January 2013, the Swiss delegation, led by Franz Perrez, Head of the International Affairs Division of the Federal Office for the Environment FOEN, shall advocate that the new convention give rise to the effective reduction of mercury emissions throughout the lifecycle of the metal. It shall support, in particular, a ban on the opening of new mines and the closure of existing ones. It shall also advocate that the future regulation aim to prohibit the use of mercury in industrial products and processes, with the exception of those for which no alternative currently exists. Moreover, the Swiss delegation shall advocate that a financial mechanism be established to support developing countries and countries with economies in transition in the implementation of the convention.
Media briefing on 13 January 2013
To provide the media with an opportunity to inform themselves about the future convention and the different issues involved in the negotiations, the United Nations Environment Programme and the Federal Office for the Environment are organising a media briefing with Mr Achim Steiner, Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme and Mr Franz Perrez, leader of the Swiss delegation, on Sunday, 13 January 2013 at 2 pm in the International Conference Centre Geneva (CICG) where the negotiations will be held. Please notify Elisabeth Maret, Information Officer, FOEN, + 41 (0)77 483 51 74, of your intention to attend this briefing.
Further information:
Convention on mercury (current draft) and other documents for the preparation of the fifth session of negotiations
FOEN: Basic legal sources
SDC projects
Address for enquiries:
Mr Franz Perrez, Leader of the Swiss delegation, Head of the International Affairs Division FOEN, +41 (0)31 322 93 23 or +41 (0)79 251 90 15
Media Section, FOEN, +41 (0)31 322 90 00
The Federal Council
Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications
Federal Department of Foreign Affairs