While the Embassy of Switzerland cannot in most cases provide financial support for Swiss-related projects or events, we do provide patronage/nominal support (Japanese: "Koen") for projects or events with a clear connection to Switzerland. Please consider the following if you wish to apply:
What is Patronage/Nominal Support?
- Authorization to refer publicly to the Embassy’s acknowledgement of a specific project or event.
- Authorization to use the Embassy logo in publicity or information material related to the agreed project or event.
How to use Patronage/Nominal Support
- Patronage/Nominal Support is to be used only for the specific project or event for which it is granted.
- Any change in the nature, purpose or content of the project or event or the manner in which nominal support is to be used must be notified to the Embassy.
- In some cases, the change may result in the withdrawal of patronage/nominal support.
Organizations or individuals participating in projects or events granted patronage/nominal support by the Embassy will take care to ensure that:
- the Embassy is not liable for any unforeseen situations that may arise in connection with the project or event for which patronage/nominal support by the Embassy is granted.
- the project does not negatively affect the public order in Switzerland or in Japan.
Withdrawal of Patronage/Nominal Support:
- Any use of the nominal support of the Embassy for events or activities other than those stipulated and agreed to will lead to withdrawal of that patronage/nominal support.
When you use the patronage/nominal support and the Embassy logo on the publicity or information material related to the agreed project/event, you must send the digital data to the Embassy for review prior to publication. This is to ensure that the Embassy’s corporate identity is used properly.