Marking the Crime Victims’ Rights Week

Local news, 21.10.2019

On the occasion of the international conference “Marking the Crime Victims’ Rights Week”, the Director of the Swiss Cooperation Office in Kosovo, Katharina Stocker stated that criminal justice should be taken very seriously. She emphasized that it is the right of every citizen to feel safe and know that the justice system functions impartially.


On the occasion of the international conference “Marking the Crime Victims’ Rights Week”, the Director of the Swiss Cooperation Office in Kosovo, Katharina Stocker stated that criminal justice should be taken very seriously. She emphasized that it is the right of every citizen to feel safe and know that the justice system functions impartially.


As concerns the rights of crime victims, she noted that the latest legislative instrument, the Law on Compensation of Victims of Crime, sets appropriate mechanisms to protect crime victims. To this end, confiscated assets from corruption cases could be redirected to victim compensation funds used for improving the services and living conditions of victims of crime.


Switzerland supports Kosovo indirectly in the field of crime victims’ rights through the cooperation with the authorities to combat corruption and improve the lives of citizens. Corruption and other types of financial crimes impede development, negatively affect the labor market and skew wealth in favor of the few. It degrades public services and deprives people from benefits in healthcare, education or employment opportunities. 

Read more on Switzerland’s Support to Anti-Corruption Efforts in Kosovo (SAEK II).