
Priority of the Swiss Cooperation Strategy in Sri Lanka: Safer Migration for Development

The strategic focus is to improve the well-being and protection of labour migrants and their families. The main intention is to enhance the benefits of migration by reducing the social, economic and psychological costs. There are two main intervention areas:

  • Supporting the Ministry of foreign Employment Promotion and Welfare to implement the National labour Migration Policy
  • Provision of services to Labour Migrants and their families through Civil Society organizations:
  • Developing and recognising skills of men and women migrant workers by empowering them in accessing decent work opportunities 

The interventions strive to strengthen governmental structures and civil organizations for their participation in bilateral, regional and interregional policy dialogues. 

Safe Labour Migration Programme in Sri Lanka (PDF, 2 Pages, 850.7 kB, English)

Moblization of Migrants (PDF, 1 Page, 441.5 kB, English)

National Labour Migration Policy Revisions and Governance (PDF, 1 Page, 387.1 kB, English)

Mobilization of migrant workers to offer peer support in Sri Lanka

@FDFA Sri Lanka

Decent work, safety and well-being for migrant workers and their families

SDC commenced a Labour Migration Programme(LMP) in 2010 for a period of two years under the aegis of the Global Programmme Migration and Development (GPMD). The main purpose of the LMP is to strengthen the rights of migrant workers and to make labour migration safer and more beneficial for human development. Capitalizing on the experience and lessons learnt, a second phase of the programme was launched in 2013, extending up to 2016. 

The overall goal of the programme is for 'decent working conditions and improved well-being for migrants and their families and to enhance the development benefits of migration'

The labour migration programme works towards improving the protection and well-being of Sri Lankan women and men labour migrants and their families. Interventions both at the policy and grass root levels contribute to the safety and prosperity of men and women labour migrants and their families by safeguarding their rights, security and dignity.


  • The rights of migrants and their families are safeguarded through the implementation of the National Labour Migration Policy.
  • Women and men migrants and their families reduce the social and economic costs of labour migration and sustain the benefits of foreign employment.
  • SL stakeholders influence labour migration related policy and practice at national, regional and global level

Migration has increased and become more complex as a result of globalization. The SDC aims to make the most of the positive aspects of migration, while containing its negative implications. Migration can drive development if it is included in a controlled and targeted way in development strategies.

The SDC's worldwide engagement

Migration Partnership

Switzerland and Sri Lanka signed a Memorandum of Understanding to establish a migration partnership in August 2018. A migration partnership is an expression of the mutual desire to further develop existing bilateral cooperation and to engage comprehensively in the area of migration. Regular bilateral meetings are held to discuss the implementation of the migration partnership. A first meeting took place in 2019 and the second one in May 2023. The meetings focused on strengthening bilateral relations and exchanging information on cooperation in the area of migration.